* Special thanks to "Google Images", "nationalpost.com",
by Felicity Blaze Nooidleman
Los Angeles, CA
11. 7.14
Thanks to all our readers for returning this week for another edition of the "Noodleman Group"! If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results than United States voters got the message and shook things up in Washington DC. With Congressional approval ratings lower than President Obama's, and that's pretty low, it was sometimes hard to tell who the nation was fed up with, Republicans of Democrats. Now we know it was the Democrats because the election results point to the Republicans as the best party to lead the nation in the Legislature.
With the largest majority since President Truman, Republicans will be setting the agenda in Washington and President Obama will have to try finding some new approach in working with the opposition. Congressional Republican will also have work with the President if they want his all important signature on the bill's they will be sending to the White House to complete the legislative process. Will they work together or will there be stalemate in government?. Will the President be a premature "Lame Duck" before his time? Next January will give us a clue as the new Congress takes the floor.
Republicans proved the media and political pundants wrong as they were cited for being the problem with government in Washington. They will now be crying about government grid lock in an effort to discredit the Congress. The press and their Union Leaders will try to have their way as they try to color the news in their favor for 2015.
We have selected two articles from the election coverage to wrap up things up for the 2014 mid term elections and we encourage you to visit their web sites for a better look at their graphics.-
U.S. Midterm Election Results 2014: Republicans Surge To Near-Historic Dominance
Donna Cassata, Associated Press | November 5, 2014 9:50 AM ET
WASHINGTON — Republicans claimed a commanding majority in the
House of Representatives on Tuesday, pushing their dominance to near-historic
levels as they capitalized on widespread dissatisfaction with President Barack
Republicans easily won the 218 seats required and were on track
to match or surpass the 246 seats they held during President Harry S. Truman’s
administration in the late 1940s. Obama will face a Republican-controlled
Congress in his final two years as Republicans regained control of the Senate.
“It’s time for government to start getting results and
implementing solutions to the challenges facing our country, starting with our
still-struggling economy,” House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement.
Democrats had a few bright spots, but their hopes of keeping
losses to a minimum disappeared under the Republican onslaught.
Republicans dispatched some of the last white Democrats holding
House seats from the South in West Virginia and Georgia, continuing a steady
march since Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights
Act and famously said Democrats would lose the region.
Conrad Black:
The Republicans have given the Obama Democrats a well deserved thrashing
As all but
rabid Democratic partisans suspected, the organizational talents of that party
in getting its core supporters to the polls did not significantly diminish the
severe and well-deserved electoral thrashing that has awaited the Obama
administration almost since its re-election (in the first campaign since Martin
Van Buren’s in 1840 when the incumbent did not stand on his record, and Obama
was allowed to distract the voters with red herrings about a Republican “war on
Republicans capitalized on growing dissatisfaction with Obama as
voters took out their frustration on the party controlling the White House,
even making inroads in Democratic strongholds nationwide. Aggressive in the
midterms, Republicans claimed three Democratic seats in New York and upended
two first-term Democrats in Illinois, Obama’s adopted home state.
Overall, Republicans gained 14 seats and counting; Democrats,
just one.
In Utah, Republican Mia Love held a narrow lead was poised to
become the first black Republican women in the House.
In one bright spot for the Democrats, Gwen Graham, daughter of a former senator and governor, Bob Graham, knocked out two-term Rep. Steve Southerland in a Florida district. Southerland’s all-male fundraiser and quip about Graham attending lingerie parties doomed his re-election bid.
In one bright spot for the Democrats, Gwen Graham, daughter of a former senator and governor, Bob Graham, knocked out two-term Rep. Steve Southerland in a Florida district. Southerland’s all-male fundraiser and quip about Graham attending lingerie parties doomed his re-election bid.
Obama’s low approval ratings, around 40 per cent, were a drag on
Democrats, as was the electorate’s unease with the Islamic State group threat,
Ebola outbreak and the stagnating economy. Promising economic signs of a drop
in the unemployment rate and cheaper gasoline failed to help the president’s
party, which typically loses seats in midterm elections.
Some two dozen Democratic incumbents had been in jeopardy, but
just a handful of Republicans faced competitive races. Republican victories in
the last such elections in 2010, fueled by the rise of the ultra-conservative
tea party, gave the party the advantage in redrawing congressional districts.
All 435 House seats were on the ballot Tuesday, but the roster
of competitive races was less than 10 per cent of those. The Republicans came
into the election holding 234 seats.
A solid Republican majority means Boehner can afford defections
from his increasingly conservative caucus and still get legislation passed
while Republicans would hold more committee seats to guide the party agenda.
The party that holds the White House traditionally loses seats
when the president is not on the ballot, but Obama suffered an ignominious
distinction. The president, whose party lost 63 seats in 2010, saw Democrats
lose another 12 seats and became the two-term president with the most midterm
defeats, edging past Truman’s 74 by one.
Speaker of the House John Boehner (left) and the new Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell (right), will preside over the 114th congress which will convene on
January 3,2015.
January 3,2015.
After Election, Obama
Vows to Work With, and Without, Congress
5, 2014
President Obama said
Wednesday of his party’s electoral drubbing: “It doesn’t make me mopey. It
energizes me, because it means that this democracy’s working.” CreditDoug Mills/The New
York Times
WASHINGTON — President
Obama shook off an electoral drubbing on Wednesday and said he
was eager to find common ground with Republicans during the final two years of
his presidency, but he swiftly defied their objections by vowing to bypass
Congress and use his executive authority to change the nation’s immigration
In a sign of how he
intends to govern under a new political order with ascendant Republican
leaders, Mr. Obama renewed his commitment to act on his own to allow millions
of undocumented immigrants to stay in the country.
His remarks, at a news
conference in the East Room of the White House, were meant to put the vitriol
of the campaign behind him — he responded to disaffected Americans by saying
that “I hear you” and that his election mandate was to “get stuff done.” But
his promised action on immigration underscored the profound partisan
disagreements that persist in Washington.
Senator Mitch
McConnell of Kentucky, a Republican who is in line to be the majority leader in
the new Congress, warned Mr. Obama in a news conference in Louisville not to
act on immigration on his own.
“It’s like waving a
red flag in front of a bull,” Mr. McConnell said.
The back-and-forth
came on a grim day at the White House after an election that cost the Democrats
the Senate and called into question the president’s capacity to accomplish much
of substance in his remaining time in office.
For all the talk of
cooperation, Mr. Obama confronted the reality that gridlock may still rule
Washington, curtailing his legacy and frustrating his lofty ambitions.
Mr. Obama seemed
determined not to let the setback consume what is left of his presidency.
Relentlessly cheerful during his afternoon news conference, Mr. Obama
congratulated Republicans on their election success and offered words of
conciliation. But he volunteered little regret or a sense that he needed to
change course.
“It doesn’t make me
mopey. It energizes me, because it means that this democracy’s working,” Mr.
Obama said of his party’s defeat. He struck a carefully upbeat tone, declining
to “read the tea leaves” of the election or to be baited into giving it a name,
along the lines of the “shellacking” he said his party had taken in the 2010
congressional elections.
Still, he noted that
Republicans had had a “good night,” and conceded that he was responsible for
allaying the concerns of Americans who have become convinced that Washington is
dysfunctional and unresponsive to their needs.
“As president, they
rightly hold me accountable to do more to make it work properly,” Mr. Obama
How Big Were Tuesday’s Republican Swings?
The Republicans took control of the Senate on Tuesday, picking up at least seven seats, and expanded their majority in the House. Their victory in the Senate was significant but not the largest historically — though it could rank among the top five election year swings since 1946.
Note: Historical seat counts are from election day to election day. Data for 2014 is as of 4:30 p.m. Wednesday. Totals for Democrats include independents who caucus with them.
Sources: U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives (historical data); The Associated Press (election results)
By Hannah Fairfield and Alicia Parlapiano
The ultimate lesson of
the election, he said, was that both parties should do more to work together.
He called on Congress to quickly pass an emergency request for funding to
combat Ebola, and announced that he would seekcongressional
authorization for his military campaign in Iraq and Syria.
He also said he would
seek compromises in the coming months on trade deals, tax changes,
infrastructure spending and an immigration overhaul. He offered no details.
“But what I’m not
going to do is just wait,” he said of action on immigration. “I think it’s fair
to say I’ve shown a lot of patience and tried to work on a bipartisan basis as
much as possible, and I’m going to continue to do so. But in the meantime,
let’s see what we can do lawfully through executive actions to improve the
functioning of the system.”
In Louisville, Mr.
McConnell signaled that he wanted to find compromise on key issues and make the
Senate “work again” by changing the rules in the chamber. He flatly promised
that Congress would not shut down the government or default on the national
debt in disputes about the nation’s finances.
“When the American people choose divided
government, I don’t think it means they don’t want us to do anything,” Mr.
McConnell told reporters. “We ought to start with the view that maybe there are
things we can agree on to make progress for the country.”
But he, too,
foreshadowed disagreements ahead, saying, “We will certainly be voting on
things as well that we think the administration is not fond of.”
The new political
landscape continued to take shape on Wednesday as the Republican majority in
the House neared modern records and Republicans closed in on another Senate
seat, this one in Alaska.
By Wednesday evening,
House Republicans had netted 12 more seats, pushing their majority to 246, a
level not seen since the Harry S. Truman administration. Several races still to
be decided are likely to push that total higher.
Alaskans were still
counting thousands of ballots, and the state is not likely to certify a winner
until next week at the earliest. But Dan Sullivan, a Republican, led Senator
Mark Begich, a Democrat, by about 8,000 votes, a small number but an edge of
nearly four percentage points in a sparsely populated state.
Democrats were able to
eke out wins for governor in Colorado and Connecticut, and they vowed to fight
to protect the thin lead that Senator Mark R. Warner, Democrat of Virginia,
held in his surprisingly tight race. But Gov. Patrick J. Quinn of Illinois
conceded defeat in a re-election effort that included a visit by the state’s
once-favored son, Mr. Obama.
As members of Mr.
Obama’s party sifted through the wreckage, the president was determined to find
something positive. He made a surprise appearance at the daily White House
staff meeting, telling exhausted aides who had spent the previous night
watching losses far more crushing than they had anticipated that he was eager
to get to work and squeeze every last moment out of his remaining time in
It was a sign of a
president now liberated from the political strictures that have bound him over
the past year, when Republicans spent hundreds of millions of dollars attacking
him and his policies and Mr. Obama felt constrained from defending himself,
worried about the potential harm it could do to vulnerable Democratic
But it also reflected
a president unwilling to play what he considers the Washington game of
self-flagellation after a political defeat.
Unlike his
predecessor, George W. Bush, who fired Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld the
day after the 2006 midterm elections, Mr. Obama made no personnel changes, and
aides said they did not expect any.
White House officials
say that Mr. Obama values Denis R. McDonough, his White House chief of staff,
who seemed unflustered by the setback and flashed a broad smile in the minutes
before the news conference began.
The president, for his
part, made a point of showing off his good cheer in defeat — “I’m having a
great time,” he said at one point during the news conference — and even of
challenging his image as an aloof executive unwilling to engage in the rituals
that power compromise in the capital. He said he would like to have a glass of
Kentucky bourbon with Mr. McConnell.
“If the ways that
we’re approaching the Republicans in Congress isn’t working, you know, I’m
going to try different things, whether it’s having a drink with Mitch McConnell
or letting John Boehner beat me again at golf,” Mr. Obama said, referring to
the House speaker.
Jonathan Weisman contributed reporting from New York.
Next week "Noodleman" will be exploring the "Art Deco" architecture of Los Angeles and Hollywood, both past and present as we take another look at historic Los Angeles. This has been Felicity again and hope to see you then!
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2014 Cagle Cartoons
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