* Special thanks to "Google Images" and all the great Political Cartoonist of our day
by Felicity Blaze Noodleman
Los Angeles, CA
Today is Halloween and the Spooks will be out in full force to play their trick if we don't give them their treats! The Politicians in Washington DC appear to be joining in with the spirit of the holiday as they hold out their bags for your tasty votes on November 4th. on election day. They will likely be also asking for more money and power as well!
Democrats will be out seen in their red and blue Blazers: if we see another one it could be time to barf. The men will be wearing suits and ties befitting most Madison Ave. and Washington Mannequins, Dandies and Pimps. And their masks; most are scarier than those sold in any costume store!
With more graft and corruption than we've seen in a long time Democrats on all levels of Government are on the take . . . and we do mean - what ever they are able TO GET THEIR HANDS ON WITHOUT BEING SEEN. In one form or another; they will enrich themselves with the Government funds they have been entrusted with and demanding more to do their jobs and finance "Good Government". When they are finished with all that business Democrat's will vote themselves a raise!
Democrats also receive donations from their "straw dog" and special interest organizations who in some cases are receive Government funding which then comes back to Democrats in the form of political donations and also out right under the table "kick backs"
One other word about the Dem.'s and Government funding. The Unions! Government pay rolls are bankrupting the country. Government Clerks and so on are earning above the national averages and they are also receiving a pension package as well!
We've found these cartoons via Google to illustrate the point!
Democrats also receive donations from their "straw dog" and special interest organizations who in some cases are receive Government funding which then comes back to Democrats in the form of political donations and also out right under the table "kick backs"
One other word about the Dem.'s and Government funding. The Unions! Government pay rolls are bankrupting the country. Government Clerks and so on are earning above the national averages and they are also receiving a pension package as well!
We've found these cartoons via Google to illustrate the point!
Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reidd and Barack Obama
the political fate of any politician who votes for this bill - See more at:
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said that the situation amounted to attempted intimidation of congressional investigators, adding: “I am not taking it lightly.”The
head of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday sharply accused the CIA of
violating federal law and undermining the constitutional principle of
congressional oversight as she detailed publicly for the first time how the
agency secretly removed documents from computers used by her panel to
investigate a controversial interrogation program.
I'm a Democrat that voted for Obama in 2008 & 2012 and when I see a great Political Cartoon even if it makes fun of the Democrats I have no problem posting it.
The unprecedented flood of money into American politics has warped our democracy, threatening to wash it away.

Ah, how soon they forget, how angry they get and how hypocritical they become.
The Democrats are still in shock because their "chosen one" fell from grace so quickly!
The Democrats are still in shock because their "chosen one" fell from grace so quickly!
Hillary Clinton claims the family was 'dead broke' and unlike the 'truly well off. In an interview with Diane Sawyer, Hillary said she and Bill "came out of the White House not only dead broke but in debt." "It was not easy," said Hillary Antoinette.
The former First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State, made that remark while sitting on designer furniture in the Clintons' $5 million dollar Washington D.C. home. The home is one of two multi-million dollar homes the Clintons own, after earning over $100 million writing books and giving speeches, starting just two weeks after they left the White House.
So that's it for the "Noodleman Group" this week but keep an eye on your lunch money, candy bars and suckers - the Democrats have got their bags open to take as mush as they can. Guess who the sucker really is! Felicity here again and "Trick or Treat!

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* “The Noodleman Group” is pleased to announce that we are now carrying a link to the “USA Today” news site.We installed the “widget/gadget” August 20, and it will be carried as a regular feature on our site.Now you can read“Noodleman” and then check in to “USA Today” for all the up to date News, Weather, Sports and more!Just scroll all the way down to the bottom of our site and hit the “USA Today” hyperlinks.Enjoy!
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