Friday, December 26, 2014




*  Special thanks to "", "Google Images"
and all the great Cartoonists here this week!

The pressure is always immense to have a good time on New Year's Eve—and have a good time you will. Ring in 2015 with an all-night party, a raucous concert, dinner and a show, an open bar with a champagne toast, or a New Year's Eve fireworks display. You'll find these celebrations and more with our essential guide to New Year's Eve in New York. Keep checking back for ticket announcements—we'll be updating this page with new events from now through December 31.


NEW Masthead NYE History

IN NYC  New York in 1904 was a city on the verge of tremendous changes - and, not surprisingly, many of those changes had their genesis in the bustling energy and thronged streets of Times Square.  Prior to this time New Yorkers gathered near Wall St to hear the bells at Trinity Church ring in the new year.  

Two innovations that would completely transform the Crossroads of the World debuted in 1904: the opening of the city's first subway line, and the first-ever celebration of New Year's Eve in Times Square.

This inaugural bash commemorated the official opening of the new headquarters of The New York Times. The newspaper's owner, German Jewish immigrant Alfred Ochs, had successfully lobbied the city to rename Longacre Square, the district surrounding his paper's new home, in honor of the famous publication (a contemporary article in The New York Times credited Interborough Rapid Transit Company President August Belmont for suggesting the change to the Rapid Transit Commission). The impressive Times Tower, marooned on a tiny triangle of land at the intersection of 7th Avenue, Broadway and 42nd Street, was at the time Manhattan's second-tallest building—the tallest if measured from the bottom of its four massive sub-basements, built to handle the heavyweight demands of The Times' up-to-date printing equipment.

IN CALIFORNIA On New Years Day in 1890 the first Rose Parade was held in downtown Pasadena, CA; devised as a way to entice people from the east coast to purchase real estate in Southern California, an effort to convince those with deep pockets to escape the cold winter weather for sunny Southern California.

“In New York, people are buried in snow, here our flowers are blooming and our oranges are about to bear,” announced Professor Charles Holder, a noted author and sportsman who had moved out west in 1885 from New York. “Let’s hold a festival to tell the world about our paradise.”

Members of Pasadena's Valley Hunt Club first staged the parade in 1890. Since then the parade has been held in Pasadena every New Year's Day, except when January 1 falls on a Sunday. In that case, it is held on the subsequent Monday, January 2. This exception was instituted in 1893. 

Local tradition has it that "the Tournament has a deal with God; we'll never hold the parade on a Sunday, and He'll never let it rain on the Rose Parade." However, according to the Tournament of Roses Association Web site, this "Never on Sunday" policy was instituted in order "to avoid frightening horses tethered outside local churches and thus interfering with worship services." Thus, the parade has never been held on a Sunday. Incidentally, the Rose Bowl Game is also not held on Sunday to avoid competing with the NFL. Other bowl games usually held on January 1 also follow this rule, as does the NHL Winter Classic.

Many of the members of the Valley Hunt Club were former residents of the American East and Midwest. They wished to showcase their new California home's mild winter weather. At a club meeting, Professor Charles F. Holder announced, "In New York, people are buried in the snow. Here our flowers are blooming and our oranges are about to bear. Let's hold a festival to tell the world about our paradise."

by Felicity Blaze Noodleman
Los Angeles, CA

This is our last article for 2014 and with the new year just right around the corner we felt it only proper and fitting to make some New Year’s Resolutions suggestions for us all for 2015!  We also have some cartoons to illustrate making the whole idea of resolutions and commitments more realistic for the times we are living in!  I should also say that the list of most common resolutions is also the same as the list for the most commonly broken resolutions so beware and stay away from the really hard goals for 2015.  Make adjustments in your life style which you would be able to accomplish.

With all of the problems in New York lately and the ever present threat of a terrorist attack the New Years annual celebration in Times Square could be a target which we may not want to be a part of!  Any thing might be possible from protests, Police shootings to another 9/11 so be ware.  We're sure the NYPD will be on high alert so plan for the worst and hope for the best!

The old giving way to the new!

We wrote an article almost identical to this week’s article last year for 2014 resolutions which did really well with our readers so how could we resist another stupid attempt at success. Hopefully this year’s list will surpass our list for the past years and hope for a better than expected year!  If nothing else we promise to keep our resolutions on the lighter side and include plenty of humor.

So what is my resolution for 2015?  To write 52 more articles for the “Noodman Group”!  Each week is a challenge as we try to assess the subjects which are timely and other interesting subjects to post on the Blog.  Sometimes the news provides with plenty of material and during a slow news week we look for other interesting subjects to cover for your enjoyment.   Hope we have been doing a good job and look forward to doing so in the coming New Year!

Making a resolution is actually planning for the future and should be something we can build the remainder of our lives on.  The practice of making resolutions at the beginning of a New Year is probably older than the first written calendars themselves and can be traced back to the ancient Babylonians and Romans who would make a promise to their Gods at the beginning of their New Year.  

In Judaism the atonement of sins is made during the first 10 days of the New Year beginning on Rosh Hashanah, which marks the first day on the Hebrew calendar and the ritual concludes on Yom Kippur marking a new beginning.  During the middle ages Knights took the “Peacock Vow” at the end of the Christmas season renewing their commitment to Chivalry.   

There have been many Calendars used by different cultures down through the ages culminating with the calendar of today which is commonly known as the “Georgian Calendar” and is the “de facto” calendar used throughout world.  Each marks its first day of the New Year accordingly and is known by different names such as “Islamic New Year’s”, "Jewish New Year’s" or “Chinese New Year’s” for example.  On January 1st. it is a common practice to make resolutions to mark a commitment for the New Year.  Some of the most common resolutions are listed below:

  • Lose Weight
  • Exercise More
  • Save More – Spend Less
  • Get Organized
  • Enjoy Life To The Fullest
  • Learn Something New And Exciting
  • Quit Smoking
  • Volunteer
  • Fall In Love
  • Spend More Time With The Family
  • Eat Healthier
  • Drink Less
  • Travel
  • Be Less Stressed  

  • Showing Up At Work On Time
  • Driving The Speed Limit
  • Getting More Sleep
  • Get A Make Over
  • Drink Less Coffee
  • Budgeting Income
  • Making a Schedule 
  • Continue Education
  • Read More
  • Clean Storage & Closets / Donate to Charity
  • Eliminate Texting and Talking on Cell Phone While Driving

"The Funnies"

As always we are searching the Internet with "Google" and discovered some new resolutions which are worth considering if you are having problems thinking up some resolutions for yourself.

The "Party" and too much excess can lead to grave consequences!
Is controlling stress a goal for you?  Take a look around you to see the areas
which need management.

Quiting smoking always ranks high on the list of resolutions.

Quiting drinking is always easier after the holidays!

It's always a good idea to take all things in moderation.  
A regiment of self help books might be in order.

Reducing stress may require some other adjustments to your life style.

Some cases may require more professional help!

    67090 600 Texting while driving cartoons
    Driving the speed limit may require some other adjustments!

      No matter what your choices and decisions are we hope you will be a successful and happier person in 2015!  If you're to undecided don't worry there's always 2016.  If keeping those resolutions don't work out at first - keep trying.  Nothing gained if nothing is ventured! 

      Geico Aflac Obamacare Hilarious Political Cartoons
      Choosing a new Health Insurance plan.  We all have seen the various insurance company logos and think them quite cute.  But now the  disastrous roll out of the “Affordable Care Act” has forced those in the White House to change the logo for “Obamacare” to an image that is far more fitting for the actual program.  In this continuing evolution of “Obamacare” one must wonder what the final image of Obama's crowning achievement will be.

      Get a new pair of Glasses.

      When the mad rush of Christmas is all over and we lie around in our chairs unable to move due to the fact that we are stuffed to the gills with turkey and the brussel sprouts have not yet started to work their magic, thoughts will start to turn to the New Year and the hopes and dreams we wish for, neatly sold as resolutions.

      Stop watching “Mind Numbing” daytime TV talk programs such as Muray Povich, Ellen DeGeneres, and the Queen Latifh Shows, to name only a few! 
      (Cartoon by Rachel Skoza)

      Get a new Cell Phone!  I can’t help thinking that the best things in life are going to waste while we are all texting, emailing and checking our Twitter timeline.

      Be original!  Break away from the "Flock", and above all be prepared for 
      the unexpected.  Careful though; remember wireless in not always that secure.

      Cartoon: DENTIST (medium) by huemulin tagged comic,humour,galo,cartoon,jaime,huerta,huemulin,gag
      Get that badly dental work done this year

      The most common resolutions have to do with weight loss,
      exercise and diet - probably to do with over indulgence over the
      holidays.  Incidentally; there have been more books written on
      these subjects than any other of self help topics.

      Spend more quality time with your pets!

      Cut back on the Coffee!

      Get a new car!

      Exercise more efficiently!

      Just let I.T. handle the problems as seen here with the “SPAM Expert”.

      Photo 1024x768

      Give up on the Tattoos!

      “I resolve to be more careful while social networking”. and

      Review that “Facebook” account.

      Stop posting stupid New Year's cartoons!

      No matter what your choices and decisions are we hope you will be a successful and happier person in 2015!  If you're to undecided don't worry there's always 2016.  If keeping those resolutions don't work out at first - keep trying.  Nothing is gained if nothing is ventured!  So let's fill our glasses with hope and good cheer, toast each other and sing out the old and ring in the new year - hoping you have a happy and prosperous New Year!  I'm Felicity and you've been with the "Noodleman Group".

       Tell your friends and associates about us! 
      It's easy!  Just copy and paste me into your email!

      * “The Noodleman Group” is pleased to announce that we are now carrying a link to the “USA Today” news site.We installed the “widget/gadget” August 20, and it will be carried as a regular feature on our site.Now you can read“Noodleman” and then check in to “USA Today” for all the up to date News, Weather, Sports and more!Just scroll all the way down to the bottom of our site and hit the “USA Today” hyperlinks.Enjoy!

      The Noodleman Group is on Google "Blogger"!

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