Friday, August 2, 2013


Curiosity  SELLS !


by Felicity Blaze Noodleman
Los Angeles, CA
8. 2.12

Graceful: The late photographer Cecil Beaton shot this picture entitled: the Queen in Coronation Robes, in June 1953. It is now part of a 60-print show to mark the Diamond Jubilee at the V&A Museum in London.  She has been the most photographed woman in history.

Buckingham Palace has issued a new portrait of the Queen after she has celebrated 60 years on the throne. The Queen is pictured in the Palace's Centre Room wearing a white and silver embroidered state dress and the State Diadem crown of diamonds and pearls, worn on her Coronation Day in 1953.  The Queen is also wearing Queen Victoria's Collet Necklace, worn by her great-great grandmother for her own official Diamond Jubilee photograph in 1897.

*  Special thanks to "Google Images", "The Royal Archives", "The Telegraph", "", "", "", "", "", "", "The Denver Post" and "The Verge" for their contributions to the Group this week.

Well it’s official; Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary  II, head of the Church of England and defender of the Faith  and her husband Prince Philip are seeing their third generation of children since the Queen took the throne in 1952.  She is now 87 years of age and still very much in charge of the royal family.   Well “God Save the Queen”!  Prince William is now a father and the Crown is assured of a successor from Elizabeth’s royal linage some where in the future.  Not quite an heir and a spare yet (depending on how you look at it), but it seems certain that more grand children will follow and perhaps in her lifetime!

Princess Elizabeth with her father, George VI, in 1944.
You might remember George VI from the film, "The Kings Speach".

With this family it is almost impossible to know who the members are without a program.  So much has transpired over the decades since Edward the VIII abdicated.  Members in favor and those who have fallen from favor.  As we research the archives for photos to use with this article so many historic photos came to our attention.  

We will pass on one of the best sites we found containing so many interesting pics. @: Because of a twist of fate, Elizabeth's father became the King of England after his brother married an American who had been divorced twice and abdicated the Crown.  He chose her over the Throne of England.  Now there's a love story!

Edward VIII with the Dutchess of Windsor in 1943.  The man who would have been King - in 1936, Edward VIII sparked a constitutional crisis when he abdicated the throne to marry Wallis Simpson, a twice-divorced American socialite whom government ministers believed the public would never accept as Queen. (TIME went on to name her its first-ever Woman of the Year.) GRANGER COLLECTION,9171,1992383,00.html

Three Generations-Princess Anne, The Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth II

This article only attempts to highlight the Royal family during the life of Queen Elizabeth II.  Many unusual family events have transpired during her life but the English Monarchy still remains one of the oldest and most beloved in the history of the world.  Recently there have been some a new addition to this Royal family and the course of history marches on through our news of the day into the pages of history for the future.  This is such a fascinating pass time;  many have made a hobby out of “Royal Watching” and volumes have been written about the family Thur the ages.

Members of the Royal Family gathered for a dinner celebrating the 60th wedding anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh (The Duchess of Kentwas not present; The Lady Louise Windsor was either not present or not photographed; and the Viscount Severn was born after this photograph was taken. Click on a face to reach that person's article)

The heir apparent is still her son Charles the Prince of Wales.  Elizabeth is the second longest reigning monarch in English history at 61 years and is quickly closing the gap on her great - great grandmother Queen Victoria who occupied the throne for 63 years.  We have little doubt this record will be broken!  Her reign could be described as one of good will, beloved by her royal subjects and her Democratic Government.  No doubt this will carry over to her successor in the future.

Charles, Prince of Wales, with his second wife, Camilla Parker Bowles.

Many comparisons could be made to her son Prince Charles and her grandson Prince William.  Looking back over the years Prince Charles and his wife, the late Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales, quite a lot of history was been made.  For those of us who remember the notoriety of Charles and Diana it was a time spent in the warm glow of the press.  The Royals received very positive reviews making headlines everywhere they went on almost a daily basis until troubles arose between Charles and Diana.  Since the death of Diana the glow of the royal family has diminished significantly with the divorce of the royal couple and the remarriage of Charles to Camilla Parker Bowels.

 HRH Prince Charles and Princess Diana with William and Harry - 1991

The press coverage of the two royal sons, William and Harry, has been kept to a minimum as the family has made it known to the press – “KEEP OUT”.  After all William is second in line to the Crown and that could be a very long time is this family.   With the birth of this third generation of Royals, news is sure to be made which is reminiscent of the 1980’s and the heady days of their parents Charles and Diana.  One thing to be said for the English Press; they are always afoot around the Royal Family and they are the number one story on any given day.  After all, anything could happen and at any time which could make history in this long lived Monarchy.  

London: A beaming Prince William and his wife, Kate, emerged from a London hospital on Tuesday with their newborn baby boy, presenting the world with a first glimpse of the prince who is third in line to the British throne.   A smiling Kate, wearing a baby blue polka dot dress, carried the future monarch outside St. Mary's Hospital in central London so that he could be photographed by the dozens of international press members waiting outside.

Prince William with wife Princess Kate spoke to the press while cradling his son carefully at St. Marys Hospital.

So this will close our little Royals scrapbook and bring us up to date on the latest generation for the Royal Family - his name is George Alexander Louis - the first Prince of Cambridge, by the way. Wait 'till he is old enough to learn that Great Granny wears a funny hat, lives in an institution and is under constant guard!  This has been Felicity collecting English Royalty photos for the Noodleman Group.

Curiosity SELLS !

The July issue of "RolingStone" cover photo, picturing the Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sparked much controversy from readers and many in the media.  The publications cover shot is usually reserved for those in the music business and is the primary source for the latest trends in the world of recorded music and pop culture.  

Although many disapproved and some were even shocked,  "RolingStone" has featured such covers in the past.  One of the biggest complaints was the magazines selection of a photograph which made the suspect connected with the Boston bombing look like Bob Dylan or Jim Morrison.

Past issues have featured big names in the news such as politicians, movie stars, fashion moguls and other pop culture celebrities of the day.  The 1970's issue cover of mass murder Charles Manson announced the magazines interest in covering big news story's and RolingStone has always featured news story's to keep their readers informed as an alternative source to the main stream press. 

1970's RollingStone  cover featuring Charles Manson

What ever your opinion; RollingStone proved they know their business when it comes to publishing.  The issue doubled their sales numbers and got them publicity to go along while doing it.  Speaking strictly for the Noodleman Group,  we were more interested in the victims of the bombing tragedy and I'm afraid this is where our interests will always be,  so let us join the "Greek Chorus" in chanting  - "Bad  RollingStone"!

'Rolling Stone' Sparks Outrage With Cover Photo of Boston Bombing Suspect (update)

"The Verge"

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev gets the rock star treatment

Rolling Stone is facing harsh criticism for publishing what many describe as a rock star-like cover photo of Dzhokhar "Jahar" Tsarnaev — the 19-year-old native Chechen accused of carrying out the Boston Marathon bombings on April 15th. The magazineunveiled the cover of its August 1st issue on Tuesday, describing Janet Reitman's lead story as "a riveting and heartbreaking account of how a charming kid with a bright future became a monster." Rolling Stone also highlighted the piece's most salient revelations, but it's the issue's gauzy cover photo that has stirred the most controversy on Twitter and other social media sites.

The backlash spread quickly across the internet Tuesday evening, with many Twitter and Facebook users describing Rolling Stone's photo choice as "irresponsible" and"tasteless." Some have argued that the softly lit self shot only glamorizes Tsarnaev's acts and that it will only fuel his small but devoted group of sympathizers.
Members of the so-called Free Jahar movement gathered outside a Boston courthouse last week when Tsarnaev made his first public appearance since being indicted on 30 federal counts. Some donned t-shirts that read, "Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Is Innocent," while others held signs alleging that the teenager is a victim of some larger conspiracy or false flag operation.
Some Tsarnaev supporters were actually upset over Rolling Stone's decision, claiming that the magazine unfairly labeled him guilty before his trial has begun. Tsarnaev haspleaded not guilty on all 30 terror charges.

Rolling Stone's image, pulled from Tsarnaev's Twitter profile, has appeared in other media outlets before — most notably, on the cover of the New York Times. But for many, the cover of Rolling Stone carries a different iconography, one associated more with rock stars and celebrities than suspected terrorists. (Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show famously sang about the magazine — and the success its coverage can bring — in its 1973 single"The Cover of Rolling Stone.")

Tsarnaev's curly locks and intent stare have already drawn comparisons to others who have graced the magazine's cover, including Jim Morrison and Madonna. It doesn't appear that the magazine dramatically modified or enhanced the image, based on original versions that surfaced online in April.

According to Rolling Stone, Reitman spent two months interviewing "dozens" of people close to Tsarnaev, including childhood friends, teachers, and neighbors. In the piece, she describes Tsarnaev's gradual transformation from normal teenager to suspected terrorist — a metamorphosis that was spurred both by his unstable family and the psychological frailty of his older brother, Tamerlan. The elder Tsarnaev was killed during a shootout with Boston police in April, and is widely believed to have played a critical role in pushing his younger sibling toward radical Islam.
The Verge has reached out to Rolling Stone for comment.

Update: In a statement posted by CNN, Rolling Stone has sought to address the massive controversial caused by the cover.

Our hearts go out to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing, and our thoughts are always with them and their families. The cover story we are publishing this week falls within the traditions of journalism and Rolling Stone's long-standing commitment to serious and thoughtful coverage of the most important political and cultural issues of our day. The fact that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is young, and in the same age group as many of our readers, makes it all the more important for us to examine the complexities of this issue and gain a more complete understanding of how a tragedy like this happens.

Update: Several major American convenience stores have announced that they won't be carrying the issue of Rolling Stone when it's released. The stores include CVS,Walgreens, and Rite Aid as well, according to The Huffington Post. There's no word on whether Walgreens' subsidiary, Duane Reade, will also refrain from carrying the issue.

"The Verge"

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