Friday, July 5, 2013




Mt. Rushmore was sculpted by Gutzon Borglum. The sculpture depicts the heads of former United States presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. It is 1,745 feet (532 m) above sea level. The entire memorial is 1,278.45 acres (5.17 km). Each head is 60 feet (18 m) tall.  (US Air Force Photo)  “”

*  Special thanks to "Google Images", "",
"The New York Times" and "The Washington Post".

7. 5.13 – Los Angeles, CA
by Felicity Blaze Noodleman

If you have been a reader of “Noodleman” for any time now maybe you know of my love for history so this week’s article will come as no surprise.  Our research began with the news of President Obama and former President Bush who met in Tanzania as reported by “The New York Times”.  As we continued to search through “Google Images” for other photos of the two Presidents in Tanzania, Africa we discovered other photos of Presidential reunions and a simply charming article in the “Washington Post” entitled “When Presidents Meet”.  It was then when we knew this would be the perfect article for this Independence Day week of 2013.

It may seem a little odd to see Obama and Bush together but when you stop to think about their policy's during their terms in the White house many similarity's can be found.  So much so that many political cartoons have surfaced to illustrate this very point!

We are not exactly sure why such meetings between the Presidents warm our hearts and evoke fond memories for us all.  It has been said, “The Presidency is the most exclusive Club in the world”.  All the Presidents have shared much of the most sensitive information for our country and the world at large and all are sensitive to the pressures and demands of the office as the nation’s Chief executive. 

With these things in common political ideologies fall to the side and the job of being the nation’s Chief Executive becomes the common ground for their relationships.  We have also included four additional photographs of the Presidents which were not a part of the “Post” article but are none the less historic.

Maybe this phenomenon can be attributed to the spirit born from the images of four Presidents carved on to the face of Mt. Rushmore.  One thing is for sure: as stated in our pledge of allegiance for the United States, “we are one nation – indivisible – with Liberty and Justice for all”.  Felicity here for the Noodleman Group.

Obama Appears With Bush
At Site of Tanzania Terror Blast

President Obama and former President George W. Bush attended a ceremony in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, to mark the memory of those killed by a terrorist bomb 15 years ago.
(Doug Mills/The New York Times)

“The New York Times”

Published: July 2, 2013

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania — Two presidents who spent much of their time in office fighting terrorism stood solemnly next to each other Tuesday morning as a United States marine placed a wreath to mark the memory of those killed here by a terrorist bomb 15 years ago.

President Obama, in Tanzania for the last leg of his weeklong Africa trip, stood to the left of his predecessor, George W. Bush, under a tree canopy on the grounds of the American Embassy here. Mr. Bush is in Tanzania with his wife, Laura, who is holding a summit for African first ladies.
In 1998, a bomb placed by Al Qaeda ripped through the old American Embassy, about a mile-and-a-half away, killing 10 Tanzanians and injuring 85 others. The new embassy opened in 2003. On a grassy area in front of the new building, a bronze plaque bears an inscription from Bill Clinton, who was president at the time of the bombing.
“We must honor the memory of those we mourn by pressing the cause of freedom and justice for which they lived,” Mr. Clinton wrote. “It is the burden of our history and the bright hope of the world’s future.”
The brief, mostly silent ceremony on Tuesday offered Mr. Bush and Mr. Obama a chance to pay their respects. After walking out and taking a short moment of silence, the pair greeted a handful of family members of those who were killed and embassy employees who survived the blast.
Mr. Obama was originally scheduled to preside at the wreath-laying alone. But when Mr. Bush’s trip overlapped, the White House amended the schedule. Mr. Bush arrived inside the embassy compound a few minutes after Mr. Obama. Aides said the two men talked briefly as they waited to begin the ceremony.
The encounter underscored a recurring theme for Mr. Obama throughout his African trip: How to live up to the accomplishments of Mr. Bush, who is well regarded in Africa for devoting billions of dollars to a program to fight AIDS on the continent.
Mr. Obama has repeatedly praised Mr. Bush this week, calling the AIDS program a huge success. But the current president has also sought to demonstrate his own commitment to improving the lives of Africans. He announced plans to bolster trade and investment, improve the delivery of electricity and expand Mr. Bush’s AIDS programs to combat other diseases.
After the wreath-laying ceremony, Mr. Obama stopped briefly at a power plant here to emphasize his plans to help provide reliable electricity to millions of Africans who are without it. The United States has pledged $7 billion toward helping to convince private companies to build power plants in Africa.

“The New York Times”

“The Washington Post”

When Presidents Meet

By David Beard and Sean Sullivan,
Edited by Felicity Blaze Noodleman. 
Published: July 1, 2013 at 9:59 am

Note: We originally posted this item in April. With presidents Obama and Bush set to meet once again at a wreath-laying ceremony in Tanzania on Tuesday, it’s worth another look back at some of the most memorable occasions during which presidents have crossed paths with one another.
Below are some moments from historian Michael Beschloss, along with a handful of others we have added.  (Photos 9, 10, a bonus photo and "in conclusion" were added by the "Noodleman Group
7. 5.13) 

1. A presidential quorum: 
All five living presidents gathered in Dallas earlier this year for the dedication of George W. Bush’s presidential library.

Presidents Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Carter.
(Charles Dharapak/AP)

2. 43 and 44 together at the White House: 
George W. Bush returned to the White House in 2012 for the unveiling of his official portrait.

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama host a ceremony on the occasion of the unveiling of the official portraits of former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush, in the East Room of the White House, May 31, 2012.
(Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

3. Coming together for Haiti:
Bush and Bill Clinton put party differences aside in 2010 to respond to the deadly earthquake in Haiti.

Former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton have taped a TV spot promoting their
Haitian relief efforts.

4. Looking to the sky at George H.W. Bush’s library dedication:
Then-president Clinton and his predecessor were spotted looking to the sky in 1997 at the dedication of George H.W. Bush’s presidential library, making for a unique photo-op.

Here ex-President Bush 41 & then-President Clinton watch parachute team
at Bush 41 Library opening, 1997: 

5. Nixon’s funeral:
In 1994, Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford attended the funeral of the 37th president.

Presidents (From left to right) Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter and Ford.

6. The day Clinton and George H.W. Bush drank sodas with George Wallace:
As vice president in 1982, Bush hosted governors at his Maine house, including these from Arkansas and Alabama.

The day Bill Clinton and George HW Bush drank sodas with George Wallace; the former 
Governor of Alabama and American Independent  Party Presidential candidate in 1968.

7. Nixon Agonistes: 
A tense White House moment between President-elect Nixon and Lyndon B. Johnson. LBJ was still furious at Nixon’s secret pre-election machinations to undermine his Vietnam peace talks, and Nixon was afraid LBJ would reveal them to the world.

The most revealing photograph of a post-election W.H. visit: Pres-elect Nixon & LBJ
in the private elevator, Nov. 1968.  Notice the two reflections of LBJ from the adjacent mirrors.

8. You do not do that in my Texas!
During the 1960 campaign at the Amarillo airport, vice-presidential candidate Johnson was furious when Republican pilots tried to drown out his Democratic running mate.

One of the most evocative political photographs in American history:  Then Vice Presidential candidate Johnson at times could be on of the most out spoken and crude men to ever
serve in the White House with maybe the exception of President Andrew Jackson!

9.  Attending a funeral for Speaker of the House.

President John F. Kennedy, Vice President Lyndon Johnson, Former Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower and Harry S. Truman at Speaker of the House (D-TX) Sam Rayburn's funeral, 1961.

10.  Entertaining the Press.

Pianists in Chief -  Presidents Richard Nixon and Harry Truman were both accomplished on the piano.  Here, President Nixon visits former President Harry S. Truman in Independence, Missouri.  Pat Nixon and Bess Truman are also pictured.  03/21/1969


Four former U.S. presidents and President George Bush pose together at the dedication ceremonies for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif in this Nov. 5, 1991 file photo. From left to right: President George Bush, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon.
(© AP Images)

In conclusion - Republican and Democrat head out together!

Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton walked to the Oval Office after announcing recovery and rebuilding efforts in Haiti.

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* “The Noodleman Group” is pleased to announce that we are now carrying a link to the “USA Today” news site.We installed the “widget/gadget” August 20, and it will be carried as a regular feature on our site.Now you can read“Noodleman” and then check in to “USA Today” for all the up to date News, Weather, Sports and more!Just scroll all the way down to the bottom of our site and hit the “USA Today” hyperlinks.Enjoy!

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