Friday, May 11, 2012


By Felicity Blaze Noodleman

This is the second article of this Blog and I would like to dedicate it to my generation, “The Baby Boomers”.  This title comes from the song written by John Lennon & Paul McCartney of The Beatles.  Although I could have chosen the title from a list of music written back so long ago like “My Generation” by The Who or Dylans “The Times They Are AChangin’ ”.   I won’t bore everybody with a long wordy essay about Boomers but merely highlight our accomplishments as we are beginning to head off into our twilight years.

In my life boomers have:

·         Ended the Vietnam war

·         Ended the cold war

·         Eastern European Nations liberated from Soviet domination

·         Brought down the Berlin Wall reunifying Germany

·         Brought free enterprise to China

·         Invented the Microwave Oven

·         Re invented the computer, videogames, ect.

·         Wrote the computer programming

·         The digital revolution

·         The cellular phone and other palm held devices

·         Invented the first reusable space craft (STS) “Enterprise”

·         Invented “Robotics”

·         Launched the “Hubble” space telescope

·         Remote exploration of all planets in our solar system

·         Landed probes on and around Mars

·         Many new medical and surgical innovations

·         Cleaned up the environment

·         Civil rights for one and all

Quite an impressive list of achievements.  If we name every innovation and invention the list could stagger the imagination.  Boomers have raised the bar significantly for the generations which are to follow.
As you will notice the first four events are directly related to the ending of war and the establishment of freedom.  The Boomers were strongly opposed to war and loudly advocated peace.  I think we have been largely successful.  Make no mistake about it, War is becoming so old school and obsolete as a tool for handling disputes between nations.  Peace and freedom is breaking out all over the world!
We have given the generations who will follow us broad shoulders to stand on and the building blocks for world peace, free enterprise and freedom as we reach for the stars.  I hope they will be used well. For the younger of our readers who are commonly referred to generation “X” and “Y” – I would like to rename all of you as “The Peace Generation” and “The Global Generation”; these names are highly applicable and sound more sophisticated. 
As Boomers are so fond of saying, “Peace Brother” – “Live Long and Prosper”!

You’re with the Noodleman Group.


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