Friday, October 3, 2014




War on Terror, (Posted from The Boardgame is a satirical, strategic board game, produced and published in 2006 by TerrorBull Games. War on Terrorwas originally conceived in 2003 by Andy Tompkins and Andrew Sheerin, two friends based in Cambridge, England. The initial inspiration for the game came from the imminent Invasion of Iraq but, as a whole, was intended as a reaction and challenge to the counter-productive pursuit of the wider War on Terror. In 2005, Sheerin and Tompkins founded TerrorBull Games and gathered enough financial support from a mixture of friends and acquaintances to put War on Terror into production.
Widespread notoriety has meant the game has had a colourful and, at times, troubled history. Its initial release was met with a barrage of criticism, particularly from the tabloid press. Other businesses refused to be associated with the game and it was also banned from a number of industry fairs around the world. The British police even confiscated it at one point . More recently, however, opinion has turned around and War on Terror is now praised by various highly respected institutions, including Amnesty International Cultural impact – Education. .

* Special Thanks to "Google Images", "",  "The New York Times", 
"The Guardian" and "NBC News"

by Felicity Blaze Noodleman
Los Angeles, CA
10. 3.14

President Obama's "War on Terror" began on the day of his Inauguration as he swore to  "faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."  Since that day President Obama has more or less taken for granted that the threat from terrorist was under control with the defeat of al Quida and the death of Osama bin Laden.  

Today United States Intelligence has identified the Islamic group ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham or AISIS) as an active terrorist organization and successor to al Quida.  The President officially stated on September 12 that the United States was at war with this organization.  It would seem that Mr. Obama has been asleep at the wheel for some years now and has allowed these terrorist ranks to grow in Iraq and cross over into Syria.

Americans seem to be frustrated with this country's involvement in this region of the world and the number of years involved with fighting against an enemy who insulates themselves with in another country and their religion.  This has proven to be a very difficult war to fight with no clear cut lines for military forces to attack and puts civilians in the line of fire.

U.S. President Obama speaks on the phone with Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah from the Oval Office of the White House in Washington
U.S. President Barack Obama speaks on the phone with Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah, before giving a speech to the nation regarding the fight against ISIS, from the Oval Office of the White House, in Washington on Sept. 10, 2014.  (Kevin Lamarque—Reuters)
At this point many are asking questions; some even voicing their frustration and speaking of the unthinkable "Nuclear Option" as a solution for this fight.  Some are wondering if this problem even has a military solution in the first place - this war is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. One thing is clear, the world must come together and agree on a course of action against terrorism.Another coalition of the willing is needed.  A broad alliance of the free world in unison acting through the United Nations to boycott the Islamic world in a peaceful effort to end the Terrorists advancement and activities.  Stop their weapons acquisitions, disable their communications and satellite links, blockading the staples necessary to continue everyday life, freeze all of their financial & banking activities and seriously putting the Terrorists and their supporters in check is an option to curb this insanity.  Until the world resolves to act together and end Terrorism their insanity will continue.  A very strong "Iron Statement" needs to be issued to this part of the world! 

Response to Violence in Syria: Why the UN Security Council Presidential Statement Matters

This week we have selected a few articles from the press to keep us up to date on the progress and efforts to stem the tide against ISIS and terrorism in this part of the Middle East.
Obama Acknowledges U.S. Erred in Assessing ISIS
SEPT. 28, 2014
President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry meeting with Middle Eastern representatives during the United Nations General Assembly. (Credit Stephen Crowley/The New York Times)

WASHINGTON — President Obama acknowledged in an interview broadcast on Sunday that the United States had underestimated the rise of the Islamic State militant group, which has seized control of a broad swath of territory in the Middle East, and had placed too much trust in the Iraqi military, allowing the region to become “ground zero for jihadists around the world.”
Reflecting on how a president who wanted to disentangle the United States from wars in the Middle East ended up redeploying to Iraq and last week expanding air operations into Syria, Mr. Obama pointed to assessments by the intelligence agencies that said they were surprised by the rapid advances made in both countries by the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL.

“Our head of the intelligence community, Jim Clapper, has acknowledged that, I think, they underestimated what had been taking place in Syria,” Mr. Obama said on “60 Minutes,” the CBS News program, referring to James R. Clapper Jr., the director of national intelligence. Mr. Obama added that the agencies had overestimated the ability and will of the Iraqi Army to fight such Sunni extremists. “That’s true. That’s absolutely true,” he said.
How ISIS Works
With oil revenues, arms and organization, the jihadist group controls vast stretches of Syria and Iraq and aspires to statehood.

  • Leadership council
Mr. Baghdadi relies on a number of advisers with direct access to him. Members of this council help handle religious differences, order executions and ensure that policies conform to ISIS doctrine.
  • Cabinet
Managers oversee departments like finance, security, media, prisoners and recruitment.
  • Local leaders
At least a dozen deputies across Iraq and Syria report to the deputy of each country. Many of these officials were military officers during Saddam Hussein’s rule.

In citing Mr. Clapper, Mr. Obama made no mention of any misjudgment he may have made himself. Critics have repeatedly pointed to his comment last winter characterizing groups like the Islamic State as a "JV team" compared with the original Al Qaeda.
But he rebutted critics who say his refusal to intervene more directly in the Syrian civil war and his decision to pull all American troops out of Iraq in 2011 had created conditions that allowed the rise of the Islamic State. Instead, he pointed a finger at Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, until recently the prime minister of Iraq. “When we left, we had left them a democracy that was intact, a military that was well equipped and the ability then to chart their own course,” Mr. Obama said. “And that opportunity was squandered over the course of five years or so because the prime minister, Maliki, was much more interested in consolidating his Shia base.”
By contrast, he praised Mr. Maliki’s newly installed successor, Haider al-Abadi, whom he met in New York last week, for assembling a more inclusive government that may undercut Sunni support for the Islamic State. Mr. Abadi “so far at least has sent all the right signals,” Mr. Obama said. “We can’t do this for them.”
But he was measured in that assessment, saying there had been “some progress” by the new Baghdad government. “I wouldn’t say great yet,” he said.
Mr. Obama conceded that his strategy would be less likely to succeed in Syria, where he is working at odds with the government rather than in tandem. Mr. Obama has called for President Bashar al-Assad of Syria to step down, but now the two share an enemy in the Islamic State. The United States’ plan relies on trying to build up a separate rebel force that can take on both Mr. Assad’s government and the Islamic State, but Mr. Obama dismissed as “mythology” the notion that he should have done that two years ago.

“We’ve got a campaign plan that has a strong chance for success in Iraq,” he said. “I think Syria is a more challenging situation.”

The House speaker, John A. Boehner of Ohio, suggested on Sunday that airstrikes might not be enough and that American ground forces might ultimately have to be deployed. “These are barbarians,” Mr. Boehner said on the ABC News program “This Week.” “They intend to kill us. And if we don’t destroy them first, we’re going to pay the price.” Asked if he would recommend sending American ground troops if no other country would do it, Mr. Boehner said, “We have no choice.”
Mr. Boehner also said that while he believes Mr. Obama has the authority to conduct airstrikes without additional permission from Congress, he would summon lawmakers back to Washington from a recess to vote if the president asked him to. “I’d bring the Congress back,” he said.
Speaking on another news show, “Face the Nation” on CBS, Senator Timothy Kaine, Democrat of Virginia, pressed his opinion that the president needs congressional permission and accused Mr. Obama, a close ally, of inconsistency. “It really concerns me that the president would assert he has the ability to do this unilaterally when as a candidate for president he made very plain that the president cannot unilaterally start a war without Congress,” Mr. Kaine said.
American intelligence agencies were still trying to determine whether airstrikes in Syria had killed the leader of a separate network affiliated with Al Qaeda called the Khorasan Group. The SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors extremist social media sites, reported on Sunday that a Qaeda-associated Twitter account declared that Mohsin al-Fadhli, the Khorasan leader, had died. American officials said they believed that a senior Khorasan figure had been killed but were not sure whether it was Mr. Fadhli or Abu Yusef al-Turki. They were hopeful that both had been killed, but added that it was unlikely.
An intelligence report distributed at the White House on Sunday said that there were indications that Mr. Fadhli had been killed, but that they were not conclusive. Officials said they worried that the Twitter reports were part of a disinformation campaign to throw off the Americans.


The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has a detailed structure that encompasses many functions and jurisdictions, according to ISIS documents seized by Iraqi forces and seen by American officials and Hashim Alhashimi, an Iraqi researcher. Many of its leaders are former officers from Saddam Hussein’s long-disbanded army who augmented their military training with terrorist techniques during years of fighting American troops.


ISIS has rapidly expanded its control over Iraq and Syria by seizing towns and cities near major supply routes, critical infrastructure and border crossings.
Over the summer, the group pressed deeper into Syria, regaining some territory it had lost to other rebel groups and capturing several government military bases. It is still trying to consolidate its control along the border between Iraq and Syria.
ISIS fighters experienced some setbacks in Iraq, where American airstrikes helped Iraqi and Kurdish forces reclaim the Mosul Dam and the Turkmen city of Amerli.


Millions of dollars in oil revenue have made ISIS one of the wealthiest terror groups in history. Experts estimate the value of the output from the dozen or so oil fields and refineries under its control in Iraq and Syria at $1 million to $2 million a day. 
The group controls many of Syria’s eastern oil fields. In July, ISIS fighters took control of the country's largest oil field, Omar, which was producing about 30,000 barrels a day when it was fully functioning. Recently it was producing about a third of that or less.
ISIS expanded its attacks into Iraq’s oil-producing areas in June, and an August sweep into the Kurdish region gave it access to more of the country’s oil assets. Experts estimate that the Iraqi oil fields under ISIS control may produce 25,000 to 40,000 barrels of oil a day — worth a minimum of $1.2 million in the underground market.


When it seizes a city, ISIS keeps select services operating while using brute force to impose its vision of a fundamentalist Islamic state. Religious police make sure that shops close during Muslim prayers and that women cover their hair and faces in public. Public spaces are walled off with heavy metal fences topped with the black flags of ISIS. People accused of disobeying the law are punished by public executions or amputations. At the same time, ISIS keeps markets, bakeries and gas stations functioning.

  • Food distribution near Aleppo.
  • Distribution of cooking gas in Deir al-Zour.
  • Destruction of an unapproved religious site.
  • A member of the ISIS religious police.


The Central Intelligence Agency believes that ISIS has between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters in Iraq and Syria and estimates that 15,000 of the jihadists are foreign recruits.
The largest blocs of foreign fighters come from nearby Muslim countries, like Tunisia and Saudi Arabia. Smaller contingents come from countries as far away and disparate as Belgium, China, Russia and the United States.


ISIS has stolen hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of weapons and equipment from Iraqi and Syrian military installations. It has also intercepted supplies en route to Syrian rebel groups from foreign governments. Conflict Armament Research, a private firm that investigates arms trafficking, has tracked small arms and rockets used by ISIS that appear to have been provided to other combatants by Saudi Arabia and the United States.

Among the weapons that Conflict Armament Research examined were M16 and M4 rifles stamped “Property of U.S. Govt.” Such weapons are also in the hands of irregular Shiite forces in Iraq, where the United States provided hundreds of thousands of small arms to supportive forces during its long occupation.

Conflict Armament Research found M79 antitank rockets from the former Yugoslavia that were identical to M79 rockets provided by Saudi Arabia to rebels in Syria.

ISIS has grown into a functional world wide terror organization.  It has branches operating in the following countries: Sweden, Russia, Britain, Canada, Germany, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, France, United States,
Turkey, China, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Pakistan, Libya, Morocco, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan,Somalia, Indonesia and Australia in addition to Syria and Iraq.  We would encourage you to visit  to view all the excelent graphics from this story.
War of Words: Is Obama Losing the ISIS Propaganda Battle?

Image: ISIS fighters raise their weapons as they stand on a vehicle mounted with the group's flag


For several days this week, a United States-led coalition has hammered targets inside Syria, filling the sky with bombers and a barrage of cruise missiles. U.S. officials say the assaults have weakened ISIS, also known as ISIL, a Sunni militant group that controls vast stretches of eastern Syria and northern Iraq.

But while the Pentagon clearly speaks “the language of force,” as President Obama called it in a United Nations speech Wednesday, it has yet to master the subtler language of propaganda, public affairs and counter terrorism experts say. In fact, as the conflict settles into a longer war, some say the Obama administration is losing the parallel battle of words, images and digital media.
“ISIS is ahead of us,” said William McCants, a former State Department senior adviser. In 2011 he helped launch the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications, the department's office in charge of anti-ISIS messaging online. “These guys have been perfecting their propaganda on the Internet for a long, long time.”

Both the United States and ISIS root their messages in real-world violence and warfare. ISIS rose on a tide of suicide bombings, mass executions, body dumps, crucifixions and beheadings. Recently, the Pentagon countered with Predator drones, B-1 bombers, F-22 Raptors, F-18 Hornets and Tomahawk missiles.
But while the ISIS brand is spread by an endless crackle of tweets and posts, the Obama administration still relies primarily on podiums, speeches, and old fashioned sound-bites.

Obama: Coalition Airstrikes a Sign World Is Against ISIS

“It’s fascinating to watch,” said Sree Sreenivasan, the former chief digital officer for Columbia University. He now holds that position at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which hosted Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday as airstrikes began. “Everything I’ve seen from ISIS is almost textbook, professional marketing and messaging,” he added. “Beheading videos are not unprecedented, but ISIS has been able to use social media to spread their evil on a whole new level.”

The ISIS campaign has been waged by its propaganda arm, Al Hayat Media, and a smaller media office known as al-Furqan. Their physical locations are unknown. So are the identities of the operatives who actually bang the organization’s many keyboards. But their influence is unmistakable, analysts say, helping ISIS recruit Western fighters and ignite local fanatics.

The group adheres to a fierce, uncompromising form of Islamism, which scholars trace to the 18th century Arabian Peninsula. But again and again, their fighters have demonstrated a mastery of 21st century communication tools. Forget the long, unsmiling monologues, grainy videos, and Bin Laden hiking scenes that once passed as propaganda for al Qaeda, said Katherine Zimmerman, a senior analyst at the American Enterprise Institute.

Unlike even the best efforts of al Qaeda, she said, ISIS propaganda is reminiscent of Hollywood and Madison Avenue. It's based around a series of high-definition multilingual documentaries and sizzle reels. “It’s extremely well produced,” said Zimmerman. “The English is colloquial, the sound is sharp, the images are crisp. These are not shot by guys just off the street.”

“Flames of War,” for example, was a 52-second blockbuster-style trailer. Released hours after President Obama’s mid-September pledge to “degrade and destroy” ISIS, the video played like a counter declaration of war with slo-mo explosions and dark, flame-licked images of the White House. The scenes played over an ominous soundtrack, ending with the words: “Coming Soon.”

"ISIS has been able to use social media to spread their evil on a whole new level."

But ISIS media is not just bombs and beheadings. Some videos use straight-to-camera testimonials with Western-born jihadists. Others use sentimental, soft-focus b-roll of fighters visiting a hospital. Still others feature thumping, euphoric images of ISIS fighters marching in black jumpsuits beside seized armored vehicles. ISIS then tweaks and blends these messages from market to market, and from the global to local level, analysts said.

They also compile their exploits into more contemplative forms of digital media. In two annual reports, for example, ISIS designers have made sleek charts and graphs of fine-grain data like "knife murders" and "apostates repented." They've also published Dabiq, a kind of Life Magazine of the apocalypse. It's named for an end-times story in the Koran and stuffed with images of destruction.

The cumulative result is an image juggernaut that may outstrip even the military one. ISIS projects as an authentic, unflinching, fast-moving, wealthy and successful organization — whether reality supports that or not, said Bob Dilenschneider, the former president of Hill & Knowlton, one of the world’s largest public affairs companies.

“It’s terrible news,” he added, disturbed to see his trade-craft used for such evil ends.

But he couldn’t help but be impressed, too, comparing ISIS to Apple and the Chinese online retailer, Alibaba: two other organizations whose image of implacable power may outperform reality itself.

Richard Engel on the ISIS Threat: Beheading 'Message to the World'

ISIS primarily spreads its message on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. Here, American law enforcement is forced to play an exhausting game of whack-a-mole. It alerts those companies to videos that violate terms of use. But a post deleted one second just pops up the next.

That’s why McCants, the former State Department adviser, believes America needs to fight tweets with tweets, and posts with posts. His former home, the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications, targets online “fence sitters,” he said, hoping to pull them into a U.S.-friendly state of mind.

At first the focus was on forums, shadowy no-name sites where the curious meet to talk jihad. But in December 2013, CSCC set up a Twitter feed, and since then it’s been sending an average of six or seven tweets a day. Most simply tout American power. But some respond directly to influential jihadists, pushing out customized propaganda clearly stamped with the State Department brand.

Earlier this month, for example, CSCC responded to @de_BlackRose, a Twitter user who seems sympathetic to ISIS. “This is what children see under #ISIS rule, this brand of honor and respect,” the CSCC replied. The tweet included a picture of children standing around a crucified soldier.

CSCC is also behind “Think Again, Turn Away,” the State Department’s effort to replace ISIS imagery with an American view of reality. One recent CSCC-promoted video, for example, showed a 60-second series of death and destruction inside ISIS controlled territory. It opened with a jaunty, Technicolor typeface and, in an attempt at sarcasm, the words: “Run Do Not Walk to ISIS Land.”

Rita Katz, the director of the SITE Intelligence Group, which studies jihadi extremists’ behavior online, thinks the State Department's efforts veer toward the wrong-headed and ridiculous.

“Videos like this clearly illustrate that the U.S. government lacks the basic understanding of recruitment of young Westerners,” she wrote recently. “These ghastly scenes of executions and destruction are exactly what groups like IS have been using as recruitment propaganda.”

She thinks the Obama administration should stick to publicizing America's best projects, not arguing with ISIS' worst. McCant disagrees, for now, but he expects adjustments to come as the State Department feels its way in a new medium.

“Not everything will work,” he said. “This is an art, not a science.”

Isis jihadis using captured arms and troop carriers from US and Saudis
Obama considers focusing on Isis bases in Syria as study finds jihadis have anti-tank rockets seized from rival rebels there
·         Martin Chulov and Paul Lewis in Washington
·         The Guardian, Monday 8 September 2014 15.09 EDT
·         Jump to comments (590)

Islamic State fighters parade through Raqqa in Syria. One militant holds a US M16 assault rifle
Islamic State fighters parade through Raqqa in Syria. The militant on the left holds an American-made M16 assault rifle. Photograph: Reuters

The jihadi group surging through Iraq and Syria is using large captured US-made weapons and has access to anti-tank rockets supplied by Saudi Arabia to a moderate rebel group, according to a report published on Monday.
The study by the London-based Conflict Armament Research consultancy found that Islamic State (Isis) militants had access to large numbers of US weapons, which they were shifting to key battlefields.

The report drew no conclusions about how the weapons were sourced. However, the capitulation of the Iraqi army in northern Iraq on 10 June gave the jihadis access to military arsenals in the north of the country, which were full of US-supplied assault rifles and ammunition, as well as heavy weapons.
The report was compiled from a list of weapons captured from Isis by Kurdish militias over a 10-day period in July.
Of most interest was the capture of two M-79 rockets that were identical to a batch of such weapons supplied by Saudi Arabia to rebels in southern Syria in January 2013. The rockets had been sourced from a Croatian arms supplier and ferried to anti-Assad fighters who were identified as non-jihadis.
The potential for weapons provided to one group to fall into the hands of other militants fighting in Syria has often been cited by the US and others as a reason not to heavily arm groups involved in the civil war.
Calls by rebels for heavy weapons that would allow them to confront Syria's air force or tanks have regularly been turned down. But with the war zone now flush with such weapons – largely in the hands of jihadis who oppose both mainstream rebels and the Syrian regime, Washington is rethinking its involvement.
Moderate rebels in northern Syria have in the past fortnight confronted Isis forces who arrived in Humvees and armoured troop carriers supplied by the US to Iraq. The rival rebel groups found it difficult to stop Isis with the weapons they had.
The vehicles were seized en masse from bases near Mosul and driven across the Syrian border, where they have revitalised a battlefield that had become a three-way stalemate in eastern and northern Syria.
US jets have in the past six weeks bombed Humvees and US-made troop carriers in northern Iraq. Many were used by the US military during the nearly nine-year war and occupation, then handed over by US officers as they left Iraq. Others were bought directly from Washington.
Using such vehicles, Isis fended off assaults on Sunday in far the western Anbar province by Iraqi forces, backed by fighter jets. US jets again attacked Isis positions near the Haditha dam, the second one of Iraq's two most important waterways, which has become a key target for jihadis.
Isis fighters drive a US-made Humvee  along the streets of Syria's northern Raqqa province
Isis fighters drive a US-made Humvee in Syria. The militants have so much heavy weapons and armoured transport that rival rebels cannot confront them. Photograph: Reuters

The publication of the arms report came as the White House was finalising its plan on Monday for a sustained confrontation with Isis that could involve extending air strikes against the jihadis in Iraq to their strongholds in Syria.
Barack Obama will use a key address to the nation on Wednesday – the eve of the 9/11 anniversary – to lay out a detailed strategy for his stated plan to "degrade and destroy" the jihadis.
In advance of the speech, which could mark a significant shift in his administration's foreign policy, officials have been trying to galvanise support for that strategy at home and abroad.
On Tuesday, the president will meet congressional leaders in Washington, where both Democrats and Republicans are open to intensifying the fight against Isis. Hawks from both parties are urging the White House to attack Isis in regions of Syria where it has solidified its power base.
However, less than before Obama was due to lay out his plan to Congress, administration officials are believed to be undecided about the wisdom of switching the focus of the attack to Syria. The decision is expected to depend in part on the response from other governments to Wednesday's speech.
The state department has dispatched diplomats across the Middle East, convinced that expanding the fight against Sunni extremists can only succeed with the backing of regional powers such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

The Arab League on Monday agreed in a resolution to combat Isis extremists, but the statement from the 22-member body was vague and stopped short of explicitly backing American military action.
After last week's Nato summit in Wales, the White House calculated it has enough support from key allies to build an international coalition that will support its action against Isis, even though officials acknowledge they face greater resistance from the region.
The US defence secretary, Chuck Hagel, said on a visit to Georgia at the weekend: "This is a galvanising moment for Nato and our partners."
Obama's speech on Wednesday will be a pivotal moment in his presidency. His administration has struggled to recover from his recent admission that "we don't have a strategy yet" for fighting Isis, which has taken over swaths of Iraq and Syria in a conflict that has become a magnet for militant fighters from across the world.
Since then, Obama has adopted an unusually aggressive stance against Isis, which his top intelligence advisers believe could overtake al-Qaida as the west's most dangerous enemy. Previewing his national address on Sunday, Obama told NBC's Meet The Press he was "preparing the country" for confronting Isis.

"The next phase is now to start going on some offence," he said. "But this is not going to be an announcement about US ground troops. This is not the equivalent of the Iraq war. What this is is similar to the kinds of counter-terrorism campaigns that we've been engaging in consistently over the last five, six, seven years."

The White House believes it has the power to continue strikes in Iraq and possibly expand air strikes into Syria without congressional authorisation but Obama is determined to secure an endorsement from lawmakers. "I do think it's important for Congress to understand what the plan is, to have buy in, to debate it," he said.

Finally in conclusion, after reviewing all of this news and trying to put things in perspective the situation in Iraq and Syria begins to become clear.  In the Presidents rush to end the war in Iraq Mr. Obama had a seriously flawed exit strategy leaving large stock piles of American weapons and equipment to fall into the hands of ISIS.  Further more, when Syria erupted into civil war spurred by ISIS The President acted much to slowly in addressing the troubled Syrian crisis. All of this leaves a messy trail which leads to the White House and President Barack Obama.  This has been Felicity with the "Noodleman Group".

Obama Nobel cartoon

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