Friday, August 29, 2014




*  Special thanks to "Google Images",", "Reuters",
"The Washington Post", "USA Today"

by Felicity Blaze Noodleman
Los Angeles, CA

Thanks for returning to the "Noodleman Group" this week!  Our subject for this week’s Blog is truly a dynamic issue and provokes views from everyone In Washington and the Nation at large.  Everyone will have an opinion on this issue and it is sure to be a political football for many years, if not decades to come.  We truly wish we had something else to write about because the troubles in the Middle East are, are childish and immature.  

This is a region of the world steeped in a Stone Age mentality which predates Islam.  The civilized world of today is appalled and looks upon the conditions and behavior of the Islamic Muslim world with disbelief as they continuously laps into their Neanderthal behavior.  In the Twenty-first century world of today this kind of tribal war fare is barbaric no mater what name or cause the participants claim for their actions. From the United Nations to Diplomats the world over, issues in the Middle East and in Iraq have been addressed the with less than moderate success.

This year seems to be more active with violence through out the Middle East than the past past with fighting in Afghanistan, Syria, Israel and Palestine and now back in Iraq again.  We wanted to wait a bit before writing this article to get a better sense of what was happening in this region of the world.  Since President Obama has again resumed bombing in Iraq it seems that the United States may have pulled out to early and left the mission incomplete there.

Depending on how finely you split the hair, US involvement would eventually come to and end. The exit strategy in Iraq was a subject of intense discussion and debate when Barack Obama assumed the Presidency in 2009.  What would the US leave behind in the place of the Saddam Hussein Government and al Qaeda?  Also; would the newly established government in Iraq be strong enough to maintain stability in their country after the war.  President Obama ended US involvement in Iraq and now we are seeing the wisdom of that decision. 


The United States has been involved with Iraq since before the first Military campaign known as "Operation Desert Storm" also called "Desert Shield" in 1990. The United States armed Iraq after the Iranian Islamic Revolution in 1979 during the Carter administration when US leaders feared this revolution could spill over to neighboring Iraq. President Saddam Hussein of Iraq went rouge in 1990 attacking the neighboring nation of Kuwait over oil drilling practices ("slant drilling" into Iraq's oil fields) and oil prices within the United Arab Emirate.  At that time Iraq was the third largest recipient of US assistance.

Desert Storm.  17 January 1991 – 23 February 1991. Coalition victory Air superiority gained in a month Start of the ground offensive.

Earlier in 1988, Saddam Hussein attacked the Kurd's in Northern Iraq, considered to be an act of Genocide, with chemical weapons which have been internationally baned by treaty within the United Nations since 1925.  This treaty was signed in Geneva and binds all member Nations from the use of such WMD's. 

President Hussein had been considered an ally of US interests in the region and a stabilizing force to maintain peace in a historically troubled part of the world.  By attacking Kuwait to the south of Iraq and also the Kurd's within Iraq to the north, Hussein himself became the threat to peace and stability in the region.

A short discussion concerning Islamic militant organizations will reveal fundamental similarities to the Iranian Islamic Revolution of Ayatollah Khomeini. Assuming different names for their splinter groups, they are all basically the same and all are operating in different nations throughout the Middle East. At the core of their doctrine is a radical Islamic faith, a hatred for Israel and a hated rid for the United States.  How ever; this kind of war fare has been practiced in the Middle East for thousands of years and has it's roots in the tribal war fare of ancient history.

Clockwise from top: Delta Force of Task Force 20 alongside troops of 3rd Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, at Uday Hussein and Qusay Hussein's hideout.; Insurgents in northern Iraq; an Iraqi insurgent firing a MANPADS; the toppling of the Saddam Hussein statue in Firdos Square.  Wikipedia

During the second Iraq War under President G.W. Bush, the United States was committed to removing President Saddam Hussein from power, securing all weapons purchased by Hussein with US aid, to insure there were no production of WMD's (weapons of mass destruction) both chemical and nuclear and the destruction of the terrorist group al Qaeda who were responsible for the 2001 "9/11" attacks in New York City and Washington DC.  Also; the United States was committed to helping Iraq install a new government replacing the Hussein regime.  

The United States was successful in accomplishing these goals however; the support of the newly established Government under interim Prime Minister lyad Allawi would be a long term proposition. To allow Iraqis time to install and maintain an effective government while keeping the nation safe from terrorism would not be an easy task. 

Today under President Obama, the United Stated is once again needed to destroy a new terrorist group in Iraq known as "ISIS" (Islamic State of Iraq Shaam) who are the same old Islamic extremists and are just as deadly as al Qaeda posing a threat to their region of the world and the United States.  ISIS leaders are loyal to the cause of Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda. We knew and expected this to happen. Removing al Qaeda created a vacuum, unfortunately this vacuum was not filled with peace and prosperity.

This action is a huge departure for President who has long opposed the war in Iraq.  Obama campaigned on this point and wrote an editorial which appeared in the "The New York Times" in 07/14/08 ( Although the Iraq war was not officially declared as over until 2011 President Obama announced an end to combat missions in Iraq in 2010.  It would appear that the President has the best course to follow is the goals of the "Bush Doctrine" (for the lack of a better term)

Five years in, Obama and Bush poll numbers nearly identical
(Infograph by Gordon Donovan/Yahoo News)

Today the terrorist organization ISIS is estimated top be about 4,000 or more strong and exceptionally brutal in their tactics. The best expression for them is "Head Hunters".  Many photographs of their conquests may be found on "Google Images" at:

These photo's are much to gruesome for us to post on this blog and are just unbelievable.

U.S. Bombs Islamic State After Obama Call To Prevent Iraq 'Genocide'
By Raheem Salman and Isabel Coles

BAGHDAD/ARBIL Iraq Fri Aug 8, 2014 7:08pm EDT

 (Reuters) - U.S. warplanes bombed Islamist fighters marching on Iraq's Kurdish capital on Friday after President Barack Obama said Washington must act to prevent "genocide".
Islamic State fighters, who have beheaded and crucified captives in their drive to eradicate unbelievers, have advanced to within a half hour's drive of Arbil, capital of Iraq's Kurdish region and a hub for U.S. oil companies.
They have also seized control of Iraq's biggest dam, Kurdish authorities confirmed on Friday, which could allow them to flood cities and cut off vital water and electricity supplies.
The Pentagon said two F/A-18 aircraft from an aircraft carrier in the Gulf had dropped laser-guided 500-pound bombs on the fighters' artillery and other airstrikes had targeted motar positions and an Islamic State convoy.
Obama authorised the first U.S. air strikes on Iraq since he pulled all troops out in 2011, arguing action was needed to halt the Islamist advance, protect Americans and safeguard hundreds of thousands of Christians and members of other religious minorities who have fled for their lives.
The United States also dropped relief supplies to members of the ancient Yazidi sect, tens of thousands of whom are massed on a desert mountaintop seeking shelter from fighters who had ordered them to convert or die.
"Earlier this week, one Iraqi in the area cried to the world, 'There is no one coming to help'," said Obama in a late night television address to the nation on Thursday. "Well, today America is coming to help."
"We can act carefully and responsibly to prevent a potential act of genocide," he said. On Friday the White House said the strikes would last as long as the security situation required.
The Islamic State was defiant. A fighter told Reuters by telephone the U.S. air strikes would have "no impact on us".
"The planes attack positions they think are strategic, but this is not how we operate. We are trained for guerrilla street war," he said. "God is with us and our promise is heaven. When we are promised heaven, do you think death will stop us?"
The advance of the Sunni militants, who also control a third of Syria and have fought this past week in Lebanon, has sounded alarm across the Middle East and threatens to unravel Iraq, a country divided between Shi'ites, Sunnis and Kurds.
The U.S. airstrikes prompted renewed calls on jihadi online forums for attacks on the United States and oil interests in the Gulf. "The mujahideen must strive ... to discipline America and its criminal soldiers,” the SITE monitoring service quoted one such message, on the Shumukh al-Islam jihadi forum, as saying.
In Baghdad, where politicians have been paralysed by infighting while the state falls apart, the top Shi'ite cleric all but demanded Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki quit, a bold intervention that could bring the veteran ruler down.
Sunni fighters from the Islamic State, an al Qaeda offshoot rejected as too extreme by Osama bin Laden's successors, have swept through northern Iraq since June. Their advance has dramatically accelerated in the past week when they routed Kurdish troops near the Kurdish autonomous region in the north.
Attention has focused on the plight of Yazidis, Christians and other minority groups in northern Iraq, which has been one of the most diverse parts of the Middle East for centuries.
"The stakes for Iraq's future can also not be clearer," U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday. The Islamic State's "campaign of terror against the innocent, including the Christian minority, and its grotesque targeted acts of violence show all the warning signs of genocide."
The U.S. Defense Department said planes dropped 72 bundles of supplies, including 8,000 ready-to-eat meals and thousands of gallons of drinking water, for threatened civilians near Sinjar, home of the Yazidis, ethnic Kurds who practice an ancient faith related to Zoroastrianism.
The Islamic State considers them to be "devil worshippers". After fighters ordered them to leave, convert or die, most fled their towns and villages to camp out on Sinjar mountain, an arid peak where they believe Noah settled after the biblical flood.
"After we fled to the mountain, I returned one day to recover belongings and I saw the bodies of the elderly disabled men who had been shot dead by the Islamic State. They were too old to flee. I can't forget that scene," said Akram Edo, who escaped to Kurdish-held territory with seven children.
His brother Hameed Edo, still back on the mountain with five children, told Reuters by telephone water was running out and no aid had arrived for the civilians trapped in the wilderness.
Mahma Khalil, a Yazidi lawmaker in Baghdad, said: "We hear through the media there is American help, but there is nothing on the ground.... Please save us! SOS! save us!" he said. "Our people are in the desert. They are exposed to a genocide."
Witnesses said later that Kurdish fighters from Turkey's PKK had helped an unspecified number of people off the mountain. It was not possible to confirm the involvement of the PKK, which would risk dragging Turkey into the conflict.
In the Kurdish capital, suddenly near the front line for the first time after a decade of war, defiant residents said they were stockpiling weapons and prepared to defend the city.
"People with children took them to their families (outside Arbil), but the men have stayed," said Abu Blind, 44, working at a tea stall in Arbil bazaar. "They will have to trample over our dead bodies to reach Arbil."
The Kurdish region has until now been the only part of Iraq to survive the past decade of civil war without a serious security threat. Its vaunted "peshmerga" fighters - those who confront death - also controlled wide stretches of territory outside the autonomous zone, which served as sanctuary for fleeing Christians and other minorities when Islamic State fighters arrived in the region last month.
But the past week saw the peshmerga crumble in the face of an advance by the fighters, who have heavy weapons they seized from Iraqi army troops that abandoned their posts in June. In addition, the fighters are flush with cash looted from banks.
Christians, many of them already refugees who had sought shelter in peshmerga-controlled areas, were suddenly forced to flee. Tens of thousands of Christians fled on Thursday when the Islamic State overran their hometown, Qaraqosh.
Shamil Abu Madian, a 45-year-old Christian, told Reuters he had first quit the city of Mosul when it fell in June. He initially sheltered in a town protected by the peshmerga, but was forced to flee again in panic in the middle of the night when the Kurdish peshmerga troops suddenly vanished.
"We were not able to take anything with us except some clothes in a nylon bag," he said. "People are living on sidewalks, in public gardens, anywhere."
A United Nations humanitarian spokesman said some 200,000 people fleeing the Islamists' advance had reached the town of Dohuk on the Tigris River in Iraqi Kurdistan and nearby areas of Nineveh province. Tens of thousands had fled further north to the Turkish border, Turkish officials said.
Maliki, a Shi'ite Islamist accused by foes of fuelling the Sunni revolt by running an authoritarian sectarian state, has refused to step aside to break a stalemate since elections in April, defying pressure from Washington and Tehran.
Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, a reclusive 84-year-old scholar whose word is law for millions of Shi'ites in Iraq and beyond, has repeatedly pushed for politicians to break the deadlock and reunify the country. His weekly sermon on Friday, read out by an aide, was his clearest call for Maliki to go.
Though he did not mention Maliki by name, he said those who cling to posts were making a "grave mistake".
In Arbil, hundreds of foreign oil workers flooded the airport on Friday as oil companies in Iraqi Kurdistan withdrew more staff. Some of the biggest oil operators in the region have lost almost a quarter of their market value this week.
The Islamists' lightning offensive and the threat of U.S. military action sent shares and the dollar tumbling on world financial markets, as investors moved to safe haven assets such as gold and German government bonds.
Obama, who brought U.S. troops home from Iraq to fulfill a campaign pledge, insisted he would not commit ground forces and had no intention of letting the United States "get dragged into fighting another war in Iraq".
Questions were quickly raised in Washington about whether selective U.S. attacks on militant positions and humanitarian air drops would be enough to shift the balance on the battlefield against the Islamist forces.
"I completely support humanitarian aid as well as the use of air power," Republican Senator Lindsey Graham tweeted after Obama's announcement. "However the actions announced tonight will not turn the tide of battle."
(Additional reporting from Isabel Coles in Arbil, Michael Georgy in Baghdad, Michael Shields in Vienna, Bill Trott and Missy Ryan in Washington and Mariam Karouny in Beirut; writing by Peter Graff, editing by Peter Millership and Philippa Fletcher)

Terrorists found in the Middle East form their organizations in nations which are unable to police their country and may be usually found along the border regions moving back and forth to elude capture,  They find their recruits from all over the Middle East and are Jihadists in Islam. ISIS is now strong and large enough to continue the mission which al Qaeda filled in the past.  If allowed to continue ISIS will become a world wide terror organism and strike targets outside their boarders.

Did President Obama end US involvement in IRAQ to soon? Is the United returning to finish a job which was not completed?  The answer is probably yes to both questions with some reservations. Terrorism is very difficult to combat because they are basically cowards. Terrorists love to strike where no one is looking or expecting them to appear.  They use the element of surprise and then retreat to their hide away.  Terrorists have been around forever and will always have to be dealt with.  The fight is not over and the challenge for the US is to defeat them in a coast effective manner.

Unemployment is high in this region of the world and life continues as it has for thousands of years.  People are deeply devoted to Islam and are at the mercy of Muslim leaders who are filled with rage and power hungry.  If peace and prosperity are to flourish in the Middle East, it is the people themselves who must undergo a intellectual revolution which rejects the dogma of the Jihadists and their ancient tribal doctrines.  This has been Felicity for the "Noodleman Group".

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