Friday, December 21, 2012

The Blessings of Christmas

*  All art for this article provided by "Google Images".  A star
pointed the way for three wise men from the east  .  .  .


by Felicity Blaze Noodleman


This weeks  article  will not be very long.   All four of the Gospels in the Christian Holy Bible chronicle the birth and life of Jesus.  It is why we celebrate Christmas.   I just wanted to remind all of the true meaning of Christmas.   May God bless each and every one of you as we come to the end of another year and commence with the new year of 2013!

When we attempt to bring our hearts, minds and thoughts back to the true meaning of Christmas we think of the man from Galilee.  These thoughts Reignite the fire of true love and peace in our hearts – the love given so freely to us by our Heavenly Father which we now must give to the world around us.  With the holidays of Christmas and New Years only less than a week away, we will be taking time off from our jobs to be with our loved ones and friends to celebrate the holidays. 
This time of the year means so many things to so many people but for Christians it’s the annual calibration of our savior’s birth and marks the new beginning of God’s redemption for human kind.  During the life of Jesus Christ It was a time of wonders, signs and miracles to substantiate that Jesus of Nazareth was in fact the only begotten son of God and that a new covenant was about to be struck between our Heavenly Father and Haman Kind – first for the Jews and also with the Gentiles.

I love so many things about the holiday season.  All of the imagery which portrays good cheer and happiness toward our family and fellow acquaintance's.  I like the food and beverages which are sometimes a little more than good spirits.  I am also hopeful that these attitudes will continue on into the approaching year.  It's always a joy to see all of the holiday programing on television - the animated traditional Christmas stories, the classic movies, the parades and I especially enjoy the Popes annual Christmas Mass on PBS, even though I'm not Catholic.  The New Years "Rose Parade" is also a treat for the whole family! 

Artist conception of the stable where Jesus of Nazareth was born in Bethlehem.

The birth of Jesus Christ is a simple story; so simple that even little children understand it perfectly.  It’s only as we become older that questions begin to form about so many things concerning religion.  So this is why we take the time to remember the birth and life of Jesus.  We retell the story's.  We sing the songs.  We exchange gifts.  We give thanks for the love which is all around us.  In many ways we renew our faith as we prepare for the new year ahead of us.

It’s very difficult to imagine the kind of world Jesus was born into.  The cruelty which men and Governments inflicted upon each other and  their citizens is almost unspeakable by today’s standards.  As Jesus lived he thought his disciples and all who would listen the lessons of peace and tolerance toward all men.  These teachings would begin to change the world and advance human civilization.  This is the peace and love which passes all understanding and brings us all closer to God.

Even in today's world so many terrible things happen which cause us wonder if there is even a God.  How could a creator who is so good and loving allow such pain to afflict us?  Truthfully I don't have an answer for this question.  The recent events at the Sandy Hook Elementary, CT cause us all to grieve.  I have been taught to believe that God suffers some things to happen to human kind.  It all probably stems from the original fall from grace but for Christians we can look forward to a better life after we leave this world.  We also endeavor to make a better life in this world!   As for now; all we can do is offer each other our most heart felt sympathy and share each others grief.  We should also remember that our faith is in God and not in some of our fellow human beings.

So please consider this as my Holiday Greetings to all of you.  May your Christmas be bright and your New Years be filled with good cheer!

People normally don't think of Los Angeles here in sunny Southern California
as a Christmas local but as you can see, the mountains to the north of
are filled with snow.  I have heard that Santa also makes his rounds by
Stage Coach when ever he is unable to use his Sleigh!

Felicity Blaze Noodleman.

The Church of the Nativity was built in Bethlehem, Israel to mark
what is believed to be the true location of Jesus birth.

* “The Noodleman Group” is pleased to announce that we are now carrying a link to the “USA Today” news site.We installed the “widget/gadget” August 20, and it will be carried as a regular feature on our site.Now you can read“Noodleman” and then check in to “USA Today” for all the up to date News, Weather, Sports and more!Just scroll all the way down to the bottom of our site and hit the “USA Today” hyperlinks.Enjoy!
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