Friday, November 28, 2014


*  Special thanks to "Google Images", Wikipedia, "BBC News", "New"
and "USA Today".

by Felicity Blaze Noodleman
Los Angeles, CA

Once again we are Noodeling the problems of modern day America.  We are using the Internet to answer many questions and give us some direction as we all seem to be going down with the ship. This week we are picking up with a point which came out of last weeks article concerning Nuclear energy and electrical generating as a national natural resource.  This week we want to examine how we as a nation could optimize job growth in the United States by modernizing and expanding both the production of more electricity and also rethinking how this resource is sold or distributed to compete with our competitors in the global market place.

As in last weeks article we wrote how Nuclear Energy seems to be coming to a conclusion as a generating source.  This realization brings us back to some earlier methods of electrical generation along with some newer technologies to meet the demand for electricity.  

Touching on the idea of electrical energy as a natural resource which is able to spur a nation’s economic growth we begin to see the need for a production capacity which is able to produce electricity in such vast quantities that the cost to all users both industrial and individual house hold is significantly less than today's rates.  This concept is simple; in fact it is the simple law of supply and demand.  If we as a nation could make this concept work, (with the governments assistance) all kinds of things would begin clicking in favor of the American people.  

By comparing the US and China we discovered how China has lurched ahead of the world’s other industrialized nations by providing cheap electricity from its newly constructed Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze river (a dam which makes Hoover Dam look like a mud puddle).  Combined with other incentives China has been able to lure many of the world’s leading industries to open manufacturing facilities in the once heavily communistic country.

It would seem that China has “raised the bar” and rewritten the book on capitalism and now the rest of the world’s leading nations must find a way to compete with the Chinese business model.  While the US government for example, wants to Tax, Tax, and Tax industry and burden companies with all kinds of restrictions and regulations at every turn;  the Chinese have found a way to subsidize Industry and work hand in hand with their new world corporations and, Jobs for the Chinese.  The result for Americans is fewer and fewer jobs.

World currencies pivit on the values of their GNP (gross national product) Oil and Gold to set their values which is determined by the World Bank.

Google is literally littered with all kinds of news articles from the past warning of the United States current situation.  In short to cut to the chase we must ask, why has not the Government done anything to keep up and compete in the new worlds economy and in particular, the Chinese to stop the flow of American jobs leaving this country?  

Because the Democrats have allowed the mass exodus to happen as they have held the door open  encouraging American Corporations to move out of the country.  We say this because the Democrats have been in control of Washington for the majority of the past 60 years and because the destructive forces have come about through legislation sponsored and passed by the Democrats.  Clearly the Democrats have gone rogue and forgotten the voters who put them in office.  They are to busy with to many small trifling issues and the world scene and not attending to business here at home!

Another disaster which has hurt the country and many Americans directly has been the recent collapse of the housing markets and added Trillions to the Federal deficit not to mention the biggest federal bailout economic mess in history.  All of the catastrophes have been caused by the Democrats and their destructive policies.  How much longer must we endure the disasters of this short sighted political party (and believe me this is stating the situation politely).

Group of 20 leaders met in Mexico as the global economy sputters and Europe struggles to stabilize its common currency.  The Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (also known as the G-20G20, and Group of Twenty) is a group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 major economies: 19 countries plus the European Union, which is represented by the President of the European Council and by the European Central Bank.  The G-20 heads of government or heads of state have also periodically conferred at summits since their initial meeting in 2008. Collectively, the G-20 economies account for approximately 80 percent of the gross world product (GWP),  80 percent of world trade (including EU intra-trade), and two-thirds of the world population.  They furthermore account for 84.1 percent and 82.2 percent of the world's economic growth by nominal GDP and GDP (PPP) respectively from the years 2010 to 2016, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
  Wikipedia and

This cartoon comments on the US economic collapse, but unfortunately as US economic experts have warned - they are not sure where the bottom is and that's because of the fluctuation in the world economy.

The two articles below begin to give us some insight concerning the complexities with both US economics and how it is effectuated by the new world economy:

“BBC News”
12 June 2013 Last updated at 22:36 ET 
World Bank Cuts China Growth Forecast
There have been concerns whether China can sustain its high growth rate amid a global slowdown 
The World Bank has cut its growth forecast for China amid warnings of slower but more stable global growth over the coming months.
The bank now expects the China to grow 7.7% in 2013, down from its earlier projection of 8.4%.

It also cut the forecast for global economic growth to 2.2% from 2.4%.
The bank said growth in China, the world's second-largest economy, had slowed as policymakers look to rebalance its growth model. 

Over the past few decades China has relied heavily on exports and government-led investment to boost its economy. 

However, a slowdown in key markets such as the US and Europe has seen a decline in demand for Chinese exports, prompting concerns whether China can sustain its high growth rate.

There have been calls for China to take measures to boost domestic demand to offset the decline in exports and rebalance its economy. 

While Beijing has been keen to boost domestic consumption, analysts have said that the shift in its growth model may see China's growth rate slow in the short-term.
'Main risk'

The World Bank's cut to China's outlook comes just six months after it raised its forecast for the 
While there are markers of hope in the financial sector, the slowdown in the real economy is turning out to be unusually protracted,”

In a report released in December last year, the bank said that stimulus measures and approval of infrastructure projects would help boost China's growth, and raised it forecast for 2013 to 8.4% from 8.1%

That was after Beijing had approved infrastructure projects worth more than $150bn (£94bn). 
However, in its latest report, the bank raised concerns over China's investment-led growth model.

"The main risk related to China remains the possibility that high investment rates prove unsustainable, provoking a disorderly unwinding and sharp economic slowdown," it warned. 
It further added that "should investments prove unprofitable, the servicing of existing loans could become problematic - potentially sparking a sharp uptick in non-performing loans that could require state intervention".
'Unusually protracted'

Globally, the World Bank said growth remained subdued in high income countries, especially in Europe, despite improvements in financial conditions.

It added that growth in emerging economies such as Brazil and India, which have seen robust growth rates in the past few years, have slowed more recently.

It said any pick-up in growth of developing countries was likely to "modest". 

"While there are markers of hope in the financial sector, the slowdown in the real economy is turning out to be unusually protracted," said KaushikBasu, chief economist at the World Bank.
"This is reflected in the stubbornly high unemployment in industrialised nations, with unemployment in the eurozone actually rising, and in the slowing growth in emerging economies."

“BBC News”


U.S. Slipping in The Ranks of Global Competitive Economies, According to Survey Report

Published: Thursday, September 09, 2010, 9:10 PM    
Updated:Thursday, September 09, 2010, 9:20 PM
ByThe Associated Press

BEIJING — The U.S. has slipped down the ranks of competitive economies, falling behind Sweden and Singapore due to huge deficits and pessimism about government, a global economic group said Thursday.

Switzerland retained the top spot for the second year in theannual ranking by the Geneva-based World Economic Forum. It combines economic data and a survey of more than 13,500 business executives.

Sweden moved up to second place while Singapore stayed at No. 3. The United States was in second place last year after falling from No. 1 in 2008.

The WEF praised the United States for its innovative companies, excellent universities and flexible labor market. But it also cited huge deficits, rising government debt and declining public faith in politicians and corporate ethics.

"There has been a weakening of the United States' public and private institutions, as well as lingering concerns about the state of its financial markets," the group said.
Mapping a clear strategy for exiting the huge U.S. stimulus "will be an important step in reinforcing the country's competitiveness," it said.
The report was released in Beijing ahead of a WEF-organized gathering of global business executives next week in neighboring Tianjin. The group is best known for its annual Davos meeting of corporate leaders.

The report ranks 139 countries by assessing business efficiency, innovation, financial markets, health, education, institutions, infrastructure and other factors.
The United States was followed by Germany, Japan, Finland, the Netherlands, Denmark and Canada.

Switzerland held its top rank due to its strong innovation, evenhanded regulation and one of the world's most stable economic environments.

The WEF cited education and regulation as key areas for improvement in a number of economies and warned leaders not to lose sight of long-term needs as they struggle with the global crisis.

"For economies to remain competitive, they must ensure that they have in place those factors driving the productivity enhancements on which their present and future prosperity is built," one of the report's co-authors, Columbia University economist Xavier Sala-i-Martin, said in a statement.

China performed best among major developing economies, rising two places from last year to 27th based on its large and growing market, economic stability and increasing sophistication of its businesses.

Japan gained two places, helped by strong innovative abilities, though its status was hurt by the country's two-decade-old financial malaise.
Greece plunged 12 places to 83rd, plagued by a debt crisis and mounting public concern about corruption and government inefficiency, according to the WEF.


We've all heard about tax cuts, and how the stimulus money was spent, but did any one in Washing think about modernising the US infrastructure as a means for stimulating employment growth?  More and cheaper electricity for example?  What other areas could encourage and attract Corporations to relocate and stay in the US?

Once again we have been thinking outside the box - way out side the box!  It may sound like we are advocating the nationalization of energy and especially the generation of electricity in the United States but when we stop to remember that the Hoover Dam, The Tennessee Valley Authority and many of the Nuclear power generating stations were all Government projects to begin with the idea begins to become clearer.  What we are doing is putting a finer point on the concept and using it to create more jobs by offering companies an incentive build their products in the USA.

 Wikipedia - Wilson Dam, completed in 1924, was the first dam under the authority of TVA, created in 1933.  Many of the Hydro Electrical producing dams in the United States are nearing their 100 year anniversary and the country is in need of many upgrades to the electrical infrastructure.

This has been Felicity with the "Noodleman Group" again!

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* “The Noodleman Group” is pleased to announce that we are now carrying a link to the “USA Today” news site.We installed the “widget/gadget” August 20, and it will be carried as a regular feature on our site.Now you can read“Noodleman” and then check in to “USA Today” for all the up to date News, Weather, Sports and more!Just scroll all the way down to the bottom of our site and hit the “USA Today” hyperlinks.Enjoy!

Friday, November 21, 2014




by Felicity Blaze Noodleman
Los Angeles, CA

*Special thanks to "Google Images", "", "The Holy Bible"
and ""

"It is difficult to forget 9/11. I was in 10th grade at a college prep school in the D.C. area.  During my second period sex education class it was announced that something was wrong . . . something had happened. Class stopped and everyone assembled in the gymnasium for an announcement. There was lots of fear and confusion. Classmates had parents who worked in the Pentagon. School was canceled, and parents picked us up. As we all stood around in the gymnasium waiting, another student came up and told me there were rumors of car bombs in the district . . . that this was an all out attack. It was a day of fear."

It seems that our nation has received a calling to defend ourselves and the world from an evil which is as old Human Kind it self.  Since Cain killed his brother Able God has set a curse upon all those who kill, murder and defile the word of God and humankind itself.  The Islamic world should make no mistake about it . . . the United States has two guiding lights to this end. The world of Islam will never be the same when America is finished ending the violence which Muslims have begun!  To quote the Prophets who were sent from God so many times in the past to those nations of Persia and Syria among others . ."Thus saith the Lord GOD; Repent, and turn yourselves from your idols; and turn away your faces from all your abominations."  Ezekiel 14:6 

Debunking any philosophy is never an easy task.  First we must weigh the evidence against the known universal truths generally accepted by Human Kind and what ever is left over, or in other words will not fit the format should be thrown out and be considered as untrue. Islam is no different and stands in judgment before Human Kind and before the God of Heaven and Earth. 

As Americans we strongly believe in principle that each individual has the right to worship as we choose.  We also believe in the separation between Church and State.  It is at this point that we begin to have problems with Islam.  This religion violates both of these principals which have been written into the United States Constitution.  Islam seeks to be both a religion and a government. Islam also executes those who are non believers.  Even those who are Muslims who practice Islam differently (those who are a different sect of the religion) run the risk of being executed.

This Barbaric behavior is older that Islam itself.  History seems unclear about dates and events concerning Islamic origin but it seems 610 AD is when the Islamic Prophet Muhammad, who was in his 40's, began to write Revelations which he received in what is now known as the Koran.  Many aspects of this religion seem to be borrowed from other religions and incorporated into the Koran and are known today as Islam.

Common Logical Fallacies Made By Muslims

by Robert A. Morey
© 1996 Research and Education Foundation

About Robert Morey

A consummate religious leader and scholar,Robert Morey has completed advanced studies on a wide range of Christian and Islamic topics. Based on his studies and over 35 years of experience as an evangelical pastor, Robert Morey founded the Research and Education Foundation (Faith Defenders) in 1982. Robert Morey has received many endorsements from top Christian theologians and preachers, and he has given talks at institutions in over 30 countries. Additionally, Robert Morey is a prolific author and has published over 55 books.

Robert Morey’s education includes courses of study in philosophy, theology, apologetics, and Islam. Robert Morey holds degrees from Covenant College, Westminster Theological Seminary, and Louisiana Baptist University. Additionally, Robert Morey has studied at L’Abri Fellowship International sites in Switzerland and the Netherlands, and he received an honorary Doctor of Divinity from Faith Theological Seminary in 1996.

Christians must be prepared to answer the typical objections made against the Gospel. Most of the objections are based on simple logical fallacies. The following is a list of some of the most common fallacies used by Muslims.
Note: The average Muslim does not know that his arguments are logically erroneous. He is sincere in his beliefs. Thus you must be patient and kind in sharing with him why his arguments are invalid.

1. The Fallacy of False Assumptions: In logic as well as in law, "historical precedent" means that the burden of proof rests on those who set forth new theories and not on those whose ideas have already been verified. The old tests the new. The already established authority judges any new claims to authority.
Since Islam came along many centuries after Christianity, Islam has the burden of proof and not Christianity. The Bible tests and judges the Qur'an. When the Bible and The Qur'an contradict each other, the Bible must logically be given first place as the older authority. The Qur'an is in error until it proves itself.

Some Muslims violate the principle of historical precedent by asserting that Islam does not have the burden of proof and that the Qur'an judges the Bible.
2. Arguing in a circle: If you have already assumed in your premise what you are going to state in your conclusion, then you have ended where you began and proven nothing.

#1 Proving Allah by the Qur'an and then proving the Qur'an by Allah.

#2 Proving Muhammad by the Qur'an and then proving the Qur'an by Muhammad.

#3 Proving Islam by the Qur'an and then proving the Qur'an by Islam.

3. False Analogy: Comparing two things as if they are parallel when they are not really the same at all.
#1 Many Muslims erroneously assume that Muslims and Christians share the same concepts of God, revelation, inspiration, textual preservation, the Bible, prophethood, biblical history, conversion, etc...

#2 Because a false analogy is drawn between Islam and Christianity, some Muslims think that any argument which refutes the Qur'an will likewise refute the Bible; any argument which refutes Muhammad will also refute Jesus Christ, etc...

#3 For example, many Muslims claim that Muhammad and all prophets were sinless. They even deny that Abraham was an idol worshipper. Thus when a Christian points out all the wicked things that Muhammad did (mass murder, child abuse, lying, etc.), the Muslims will say, "If you are right, then you must also reject your biblical prophets for doing wicked things as well."

What he is really saying is, "If you reject my prophet, then you must reject your prophets as well. If Muhammad was a false prophet, then your prophets are false as well."

The root problem is that the Muslim concept of prophethood is not the same as the Christian concept of prophethood. We teach that prophets sin like anyone else. Thus while Islam is refuted by the sins of Muhammad, Christianity is not jeopardized at all. The Muslim is guilty of setting up a "false analogy."

Whenever a Muslim responds to a Christian attack on the Qur'an, Muhammad, or Allah by flipping the argument around and applying it to the Bible, Jesus or the Trinity as if Islam and Christianity either stand or fall together, he is guilty of the fallacy of false analogy. Islam can be false and Christianity be true at the same time.

4. The Fallacy of Irrelevance: When you introduce issues which have no logical bearing on the subject under discussion, you are using irrelevant arguments.
#1 Some Muslims argue, "The Qur'an is the Word of God because the text of the Qur'an has been preserved perfectly." This argument is erroneous for two reasons:

a. Factually, the text of the Qur'an has not been preserved perfectly. The text has additions, deletions, conflicting manuscripts, and variant readings like any other ancient writing.

b. Logically, it is irrelevant whether the text of the Qur'an has been preserved because preservation does not logically imply inspiration. A book can be perfectly copied without implying its inspiration.

#2 When Muslims attack the character and motives of anyone who criticizes Islam, they are using irrelevant arguments. The character of someone is no indication of whether he is telling you the truth. Good people can lie and evil people can tell the truth. Thus whenever a Muslim uses slurs such as "mean," "dishonest," "racist," "liar," "deceptive," etc., he is not only committing a logical fallacy but also revealing that he cannot intellectually defend his beliefs.
#3 When confronted with the pagan origins of the Qur'an, some Muslims defend the Qur'an by answering, "So what! Didn't you Christians get Christmas from the pagans?"

This argument is erroneous for several reasons.
a. It is a false analogy to parallel the pagan origins of the rites commanded in the Qur'an with the present day holidays nowhere commanded in the Bible. What some modern day Christians do on Dec. 25th has no logical bearing on what the Qur'an commands Muslims to do (eg. the Pilgrimage, the Fast, etc.).

b. It is irrelevant that some Christians choose to celebrate the birth of Christ. Since the Bible nowhere commands it, it is a matter of personal freedom. But Muslims are commanded in the Qur'an to believe and practice many things which came from the paganism of that day.

c. The Muslim by using this argument is actually admitting that the Qur'an was not "sent down" but fabricated from pagan sources. This means he has become an unbeliever (Surah 25:4-6).

#4 Some Muslims argue that the Qur'an is the Word of God because it contains some historically or scientifically accurate statements. This argument is irrelevant. Just because a book is correct on some historical or scientific point does not mean it is inspired. You cannot take the attributes of a part and apply it to the whole. A book can be a mixture of true and false statements. Thus it is a logical fallacy to argue that the entire Qur'an is true if it makes one true statement.

When a Muslim argues that history or science "proves" the Qur'an, this actually means that he is acknowledging that history and science can likewise refute the Qur'an. If the Qur'an contains just one historical error or one scientific error, then the Qur'an is not the Word of God. Verification and falsification go hand in hand.

#5 The present meaning of a word is irrelevant to what it meant in ancient times. The word "Allah" is a good example. When confronted by the historical evidence that the word was used by pagan Arabs in pre-Islamic times to refer to a high god who was married to the sun-goddess and had three daughters, some Muslims will quote dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc. to prove (sic) that "Allah means God." They are thus using modern definitions to define what the word meant over a thousand years ago! What "Allah" means now has no bearing on what it meant before Muhammad.

5. The Fallacy of Equivocation: If we assume that everyone has the same definition of such words as God, Jesus, revelation, inspiration, prophet, miracle, etc., we are committing a very simple logical fallacy.

#1 When a Muslim says, "Christians and Muslims worship the same God," he is committing the fallacy of equivocation. While Christians worship the Triune God of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Muslims worship a Unitarian deity. Obviously, they are worshipping different Gods.

#2 When a Muslim says, "We believe in Jesus too," he is committing the fallacy of equivocation. The "Jesus" of the Qur'an is not the Jesus of the Bible. Islam preaches "another Jesus" (II Cor. 11:4). The Jesus of the Bible is God the Son who died on the cross for our sins. But the "Jesus" of the Qur'an is not God the Son and he did not die on the cross for our sins. Thus it is erroneous for Muslims to tell Christians that they believe in Jesus, too.

#3 When a Muslim assumes that Christians have the same concept of revelation as Muslims, he is guilty of the fallacy of equivocation. According to Islam, the Qur'an was written in heaven by Allah and has no earthly sources. When we prove that it comes from earthly sources, this threatens the inspiration of the Qur'an.

On the other hand, the Bible does not claim that it dropped out of heaven one day. It openly quotes from earthly sources. It uses pre-existing sources without any difficulty whatsoever, Thus while the Qur'an is threatened by historical sources, the Bible is actually confirmed by them.

#4 When a Muslims tells you that the word "Allah" has only one meaning: "the one, true, universal God," he is assuming a fallacy. The word "allah" has many different meanings.

a. It can be used as a generic term like the English word "God." Thus it can be applied to any god or goddess regardless if a true or false god is in view. (ex. The "Allahs" of Hinduism.)

b. The Nation of Islam uses it to refer to Wallace Dodd Ford, Elijah Muhammad, and Louis Farrakhan as "Allah" and teaches that all black people are "Allahs."

c. It has been used by some Christians in Arabic speaking countries as a generic name for the Holy Trinity.

d. It was used in pre-Islamic times by pagan Arabs to refer to the moon-god who was the father of al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat.
e. It is used by Muslims to refer to their god.

Islam and Christianity do not worship the same God. The Christian worships the Holy Trinity while the Muslim worships a unitarian deity.

6. The Fallacy of Force: The Qur'an commands Muslims to wage war against non-Muslims and apostates (Surah 5:33; 9:5, 29).
Some Muslims use a false analogy to answer this argument. They respond by saying, "Well, what about the Crusades? You Christians use violence just like Muslims."

It is logically erroneous to set up a parallel between Muslims killing people in obedience to the Qur'an and Christians killing people in disobedience to the Bible. While the Qur'an commands Jihad, the New Testament forbids it.

7. The Fallacy Of Confusing Questions of Fact with Questions of Relevance: Whether something is factually true is totally different from the issue of whether you feel it is relevant. The two issues must be kept separate.
#1 When a Christian argues that some of the beliefs and rituals of the Qur'an came from pre-Islamic Arab paganism, the Muslim will deny it at first. But as more and more evidence is given, the Muslim will often do a flip-flop and begin arguing, "So what! Didn't you Christians get Christmas from the pagans?" The Muslim has now committed three fallacies:

a. The "So what!" argument is dealing with the issue of relevance, not fact. You must stop the Muslim at that point and ask him, "Since you are now dealing with the issue of whether the pagan origins of the Qur'an are relevant, does this mean that you are now agreeing to the fact of the pagan origins of Islam?"

b. The Muslim has also committed the fallacy of equivocation, The Bible is not threatened by historical sources. It freely refers to them and even quotes them (Acts 17: 28). But the Qur'an denies that it has any earthly historical sources (Surah 25:4-6).

c. He also committed the fallacy of false analogy. The Bible and the Qur'an are two totally different books. The inspiration of the Bible does not depend upon the fate of the Qur'an because what Muslims claim for the Qur'an is not what Christians claim for the Bible.

8. Phonic Fallacies: The phonetic sound of a word should not be used to twist its meaning. For example,

a. Some Muslims try to prove that the word "Allah" is in the Greek New Testament because of the Greek word alla. But while the word is pronounced "alla," it only means "but" in Greek. It has nothing to do with the Arabic "Allah."

b. Some Muslims have claimed that the word "Allah" is in the Bible because the Biblical word "Allelujah." They then mispronounce the word as "Allah-lujah" But "Allelujah" is not a compound Arabic word with "Allah" being the first part of the word. It is a Hebrew word with the name of God being "JAH" (or Yahweh) and the verb "alle" meaning "praise to." It means "praise to Yahweh." The Arabic word "Allah" is not in the word.

c. The same error is found in the Muslim argument that the word "Baca" (Psa. 84:6) really means "Mecca." The valley of Baca is in northern Israel.

d. Some Muslims have tried to go from "Amen" to "Ahmed" to "Mohammed!" Such nonsense is beyond belief.

9. "Red Herring" Arguments: When a Muslim is asked to defend the Qur'an, if he turns around and attacks the reliability of the Bible, the Trinity, the deity of Christ, the Crusades, etc., he is introducing irrelevant issues that have no logical bearing on the truthfulness of Islam. He is trying to divert attention from Islam to other issues.

Furthermore, he is assuming that if he can refute the Bible, then the Qur'an wins by default. If he can refute the Trinity, then Allah wins by default. But this is logically erroneous. You cannot prove your position by refuting someone else's position. The Bible and the Qur'an could both be wrong. Muslims must prove their own book.

10. Straw Man Arguments: When you put a false argument into the mouth of your opponent and then proceed to knock it down, you have only created a "straw man" argument, Muslims sometimes either misunderstand or deliberately misquote the arguments Christians give them.

Some Muslims have built a "straw man" argument that claims that we teach, "The Qur'an teaches that Allah is the Moon-god and that Muslims knowingly believe in and worship the Moon-god and his daughters." They then knock down this "straw man" argument and claim victory. Of course, we never said such nonsense. What we have said is that while the Qur'an claims that Allah is God and Muslims think they are worshipping the one true God, in reality they are worshipping a false god preached by a false prophet according to a false book.

The average Muslim has been deceived by Muslim apologists who use such logical fallacies without regard to reason, fact or honesty. But there are many Muslims who want to be rational in their religion and thus have an open mind to rational discourse. Once they see that their arguments are based on logical fallacies, they will be open to the wonderful news that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for our sins on the cross.

In conclusion; for a religion which claims some of the same Patriarchs as Judaism, the Koran which was written some six hundred years after the time of Jesus Christ seems to be lacking the inspiration found in the Torah, and other Jewish Inspired literature (the Christian Old Testament) and the Christian New Testament.  

Another problem with Islamic teaching from the Koran is the lack of any commandment from Allah (God) such as "Thou Shalt not kill".  The Islamic part of the world is covered in the blood of their fellow human beings which has been done in the name of their God.

The Islamic world has always had a problem with embracing false Gods and Idol worship. They have always rejected and killed the Prophets who were sent to them by God and this still continues today with the false religion of Islam.  Until they repent and accept the one true God there will never be peace in their world.

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* “The Noodleman Group” is pleased to announce that we are now carrying a link to the “USA Today” news site.We installed the “widget/gadget” August 20, and it will be carried as a regular feature on our site.Now you can read“Noodleman” and then check in to “USA Today” for all the up to date News, Weather, Sports and more!Just scroll all the way down to the bottom of our site and hit the “USA Today” hyperlinks.Enjoy!