Friday, May 25, 2012


By Felicity Blaze Noodleman
Two things I have always heard should not be discussed in the work place: “Politics and Religion” and it is with a great deal of reluctance and hesitation that I am writing this article.  It is only because I have heard so many people speak about their religious views to others in such a cold and callus manner that I find myself wondering if these people know anything about religion at all to begin with!  They usually identify themselves with Christianity and feel a need to condemn those around them at every opportunity with their religious views and somehow feel they are spreading their view of the gospel.
There are however many Christian denominations who are committed to charitable works providing many needed services at home and abroad  They are always receptive to the needs of their fellow men.  It also should be noted that some of the greatest strides for human kind in western civilization have come through Christianity such as the English “Magna Carta”, The United States “Bill of Rights” and The “Emancipation Proclamation” abolishing slavery in this country leading the world to do likewise.
Another interesting statistic to note:  since the development of the printing press by Johannes Gutenburg around the year 1140 which printed the first book – the Christian “Holly Bible”; more copies of this book have been printed and translated into more languages than any other book in history.
I also hear remarks such as “I’m blessed today” or “have a blessed day”.  These remarks at their core are somewhat boastful and they seem to express an attitude of “I’m better off than you” kind of thing.  Also there are those who seem to express their needs and feelings in the name of God and Jesus continually as though they are trying to show others how religious they are.
A second religious group feels they have a mandate from their God to “kill the infidels” and those who do not believe in Allah and practice the Islamic faith.  As we in the United States have been made so painfully aware, there are still countries in the world where people are persecuted and executed because of their religious beliefs.  In the history of human kind no other issue has started and sustained so many wars, atrocities and general hatred as religion.  Nations invoke the name of God and even claim “God is on their side”.
We in the United States are so fortunate to live in a country governed by a Constitution which guarantees everyone the freedom to practice the religion of their choice (and to be free of religion if they so choose) and that “Church and State” are separate.  Here in Los Angeles we are experiencing a surge in immigration from South America, Asia Minor, the Orient, the Middle and Far East who all bring their own religion and customs to this country.  This trend is extending across the United States.  Tolerance should be exercised by all in our day to day lives as we strive to live in peace and understand one another.
In the Christian world “Wikipedia” has identified some 38,000 different Christian denominations.  In the Islamic world, I am able to Identify 4 major sects with some 33 different denominations.  In modern day Judaism there are 4 distinct groups of “diversity”.  Also consider the other major religious groups in today’s world such as the Buddhists and Hindu with their own sects and denominations and we clearly begin to see how diverse religion can be.  Now; think of all the ancient religions throughout the history of mankind and the numbers are beyond comprehension.  Below; see the map illustrating religions in today’s world provided by “Google Images”.
I once heard a witticism which stated “man makes God in his own image” instead of being the other way around.  Many people seem to think they know what needs to be said about religion and make it their business to inform others of what they believe is “God’s will”.  I seem to be hearing more and more of it these days, especially from those claiming to be Christians and in a very unchristian manner!  Clearly there are Christian laymen who need to continue their Christian education, or maybe they shouldn’t speak at all until they have completed an education in “Theology or Divinity School”.
There have been occasions when I’ve been cornered by people, some identifying themselves as self appointed ministers of their religious faith who begin preaching and I have to stop them by saying, “don’t tell me about your religion – show me your religion”.  I want to explain to them somehow that reading and study the scripture will teach them that true religion is about doing.  Helping the elderly, the disabled and homeless.  Once they have studied enough then humility and conviction will show them the work that needs to be done.
When I came to Los Angeles it was exciting because I was going to see a Jewish community.  Finally; I was going to meet the descendants of those people I’d read so much about in the Old Testament.  I have heard some negative things about Jews but I have to confess that my overall experience has been good.  I also have to say that when it comes to charity they have excelled in every aspect.  Jewish charitable organizations dispense food, clothing, shelter and medical care for the elderly and needy not only in their own community but to the greater community at large.   
Another rule I’ve heard is, “If you can’t say something good than don’t say anything at all” and the old standby, just “Think before you speak”!  If you feel you could be saying something which is in so many ways controversial than just don’t do it.
This weekend we in the United States are observing “Memorial Day” honoring our military service men who have given their lives defending freedom and liberty.  Hopefully one day we all will understand that war is an ineffective tool for resolving human disputes and that peace and diplomacy are more effective concepts for the resolution of human disputes between nations.
I’m Felicity and thank you for spending some time with the Noodleman group.

Friday, May 18, 2012



By Felicity Blaze Noodleman

Have you ever wondered if you were going crazy as in losing your mind, having a meltdown, losing touch with reality or going berserk?  Is it me or just the other 99%?  “I’m OK – You’re OK” or “I’m OK and You’re not”!  It’s always good to take an inventory of your assists and mental health is no exception.

We all question ourselves at one time or another.  That’s why we are normal.  We are able to distinguish where the line between the two different states of mind are.  Society sets the parameters for what is accepted as normal and proper behavior and what is not.  In our society these parameters allow for modifications based on fashion, attitudes, ethnic behavior and just plain old change for the fun in it.  We even embrace some new kooky thing and celebrate it as brilliance and even imitate it.

However; there are many forms of behavior which indicate we are making or have made a break with reality and are becoming socially unacceptable and even becoming a danger to ourselves and to those around us.  This article is not intended to poke fun at these actions but help those who may be in trouble.  Some things to look for are:

·         Talking to yourself even when others are present
·         Talking under your breath to and about people
·         Talking loudly and aggressively on a regular basis
·         Germophobia becomes an obsession
·         Every day is a bad hair day and hats are the only solution
·         Loosing interest in things you once loved
·         You feel bipolar and don’t know it
·         Always disagreeable
·         You have the only franchise on God
·         All your meds and vitamins are no longer working
·         Sensitivativety to light and sound for prolonged periods
·         Find yourself in a catatonic daze
·         A hoarder – unable to throw anything away or must have as much of a thing as possible
·         Wearing highly unusual articles of dress every day – Such as wearing a “Tiara” for example
·         Any self destructive behavior

Alcohol and narcotics; both prescription and “street drugs” open the door where psychosis, neurosis and paranoia ect. all live.  If you think there might be a problem there are many groups you can turn to.  Whether or not you indulge with any substances, groups like “AA” and “NA” might help you decide if you need to make some adjustments in your life.  New participants are always welcome and they all practice confidentiality.  What is talked about in the group stays in the group!

I’m not a Doctor although both my stepfather and brother are practicing Psychiatrists.  There are plenty of self help professionals working in the media to help all of us and many books have been written on so many different subjects for our consideration. We can even “Google” symptoms over the net.  I will defer to them as I dispense my advice.   Things your mom told you are also a good place to start.

A few words about anger.  Most of us spend their early formative years learning how to behave socially in the home, school, and in public.  Now as an adult with your own job, home and family everyone needs to still practice tolerance where anger is concerned.  You may feel the need to “fly off the handle” or act crazy to emphasize a point but acting crazy can soon turn into being crazy.  Remember: anger feeds on itself and the more you feed it the bigger it becomes until you are no longer able to control it.

We all become “out of sorts” occasionally and the best advice is always eat a good diet from all the food groups, get plenty of rest and drink plenty of water.  Simple dehydration can really harm you and so can too much of a good thing.  Good mental and physical health is your greatest asset so take care of yourself.

Now a few words about aging.  It’s no secret that as we grow older our mental faculties begin to decline.  We get a little bit older and a little bit slower.  Our minds can begin to decline beginning in our late 20’s.  The first thing most notice is a loss in short term memory.  Now that people are living longer what was once thought to be the onset of senility has been studied and termed as “Alzheimer’s” disease.  Scientists and Doctors are looking for a cure or at least treatment to relieve the painful side effects of the disease.  Also; note that as we become older less brain cells are growing at a phase in our lives when we losing more of them.

All of the afore mentioned conditions can radically alter our personality.  It only makes sense that we should take every precaution to keep ourselves mentally fit as possible! 

I’m Felicity and you’re with the Noodleman Group!

Friday, May 11, 2012


By Felicity Blaze Noodleman

This is the second article of this Blog and I would like to dedicate it to my generation, “The Baby Boomers”.  This title comes from the song written by John Lennon & Paul McCartney of The Beatles.  Although I could have chosen the title from a list of music written back so long ago like “My Generation” by The Who or Dylans “The Times They Are AChangin’ ”.   I won’t bore everybody with a long wordy essay about Boomers but merely highlight our accomplishments as we are beginning to head off into our twilight years.

In my life boomers have:

·         Ended the Vietnam war

·         Ended the cold war

·         Eastern European Nations liberated from Soviet domination

·         Brought down the Berlin Wall reunifying Germany

·         Brought free enterprise to China

·         Invented the Microwave Oven

·         Re invented the computer, videogames, ect.

·         Wrote the computer programming

·         The digital revolution

·         The cellular phone and other palm held devices

·         Invented the first reusable space craft (STS) “Enterprise”

·         Invented “Robotics”

·         Launched the “Hubble” space telescope

·         Remote exploration of all planets in our solar system

·         Landed probes on and around Mars

·         Many new medical and surgical innovations

·         Cleaned up the environment

·         Civil rights for one and all

Quite an impressive list of achievements.  If we name every innovation and invention the list could stagger the imagination.  Boomers have raised the bar significantly for the generations which are to follow.
As you will notice the first four events are directly related to the ending of war and the establishment of freedom.  The Boomers were strongly opposed to war and loudly advocated peace.  I think we have been largely successful.  Make no mistake about it, War is becoming so old school and obsolete as a tool for handling disputes between nations.  Peace and freedom is breaking out all over the world!
We have given the generations who will follow us broad shoulders to stand on and the building blocks for world peace, free enterprise and freedom as we reach for the stars.  I hope they will be used well. For the younger of our readers who are commonly referred to generation “X” and “Y” – I would like to rename all of you as “The Peace Generation” and “The Global Generation”; these names are highly applicable and sound more sophisticated. 
As Boomers are so fond of saying, “Peace Brother” – “Live Long and Prosper”!

You’re with the Noodleman Group.


Friday, May 4, 2012


The Noodleman Group

Motorized Wheelchairs

By Felicity Blaze Noodleman

Motorized or Power Wheelchairs are the product of technological advancements which have become a marvel for the handicapped and a booming multi-million dollar industry  which is now surpassing the Billion dollar mark for all manufacturers including accessories.  Still in its infancy this new mode of motorized transportation is not regulated and the chairs safety is at the discussion of the manufacturer and the buyer. 

Although they were first invented in the early 1880’s they were not generally available to all the handicapped until the past few decades. New designs and concepts have also contributed to their popularity and government assistance through Medicare has also helped with the affordability for the handicapped and elderly.  This is not a historical account of wheelchair technology but should be acknowledged as a logical introduction for the subject of this blog.

Today it is estimated that there are in excess of 600,000 of these “Power scooters” in operation by the handicapped in the United States.  Local and Federal mandates have been made in an effort to make ease and accessibility for the users of all Wheelchairs available and bring the handicapped back into the mainstream of everyday life. From ramps to “chairlifts” on Municipal bus lines, to curb ramping which merge with street level, specialized seating in restaurants, larger lavatory stalls and handicapped and parking on the streets and parking lots – society has made the effort to meet many contingencies for the disabled.

It is also interesting to note the boom in mobile wheeled devices in use today on sidewalks everywhere.  From the traditional bicycles and baby strollers to skateboards, rollerblades, shopping carts, walkers for the elderly, portable suitcases, carry along devices, delivery hand trucks, pallet jacks, motorcycles and the occasional automobile; pedestrians today must be evermore alert to dangerous situations as we take that casual stroll to our favorite restraint or shopping Center.

As we walk along this throufair for foot traffic known as “side walks” all are moving along together at more or less the same speed with the exception of a few – bicycles and Power Wheelchairs.  Both are capable of achieving speeds of up to 20 MPH’s.  It’s hard to find specific information on the specifications of these mobile scooters but some handicapped users take muck pleasure in the quickness of their machine.  Many are capable of turning on a dime to achieve mobility in tight spaces found in the home.  But in public I have been shocked to many times by the sudden movement and quick turns of these mobile devices.  They can become a public safety hazard if not operated with caution and consideration for those around them.

A web site in the UK identified as “” has determined 3 classes of Powerscooters and has recommended scooters should not travel in excess of 4MPH on sidewalks.  I strongly agree!  Listed below are some examples of unsafe and annoying behavior by the disabled operators in their Powerchairs:

·         Scooters traveling at full speed indoors and out.

·         Being cut off by scooters which have appeared out of nowhere.

·         Scooters on over crowed elevators.

·         Scooters traveling at “full out speed” downhill and through the street intersections.

·         Scooters which suddenly turn around as you are walking behind them.

·         Scooters which become entangled in floor mats.

·         Scooters which turn over because of bad sidewalks or improper operation.

·         Scooters operated when they are in poor repair (wheels which are loose or have rubber which is broken and separated from the wheel or even worse, no rubber at all).

·         Scooters with operators who just plain lose control of their machine.

Hospitals are the only agency tracking and reporting the statistics of motorized

Wheelchair and Scooter accidents.  During the reporting period between 1996 thru 2006 they have seen a rise of incidents.   At some point it would appear necessary to publicly train and license Powerchair users and maybe ever require them to wear helmets.  But until then, they operate under the same rules and laws as the rest of us.

One final closing story.  I spoke to a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy who was a Motorcycle Officer with his machine on the sidewalk at a subway station.  Jokingly, I asked if he was looking for Power Scooters to ticket.  He replied he would cite any unlawful behavior.  Then the Officer told me he had once stopped a Powerchair for unsafe operation and upon investigation he discovered the operator was on parole and found a handgun under the seat of the Powerchair!

Thanks for joining the “Noodleman” group!